
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Caturday!

Hey - it's Travis here.  Hope y'all had a pawsome Valentine's!  It are hard work on Valentine's when you is adorable as I is.  Ya has so many Valentine's and ya gotta work extra hard to make sure dey all gets special attention.

Of course my main Valentines were my momma, Miss Jezebel, and Miss Whitley.  Da momma are da most important one - ya gots to be extra sweet to your mommas to make sure dey give you extra treats!  And I did get some extra treats and tasty stuff.  I even gots some of da bacons for breakfast this morning - yum yum!  And of course I are Valentines with Miss Jezebel.  She might deny it, but she likes me.  And not just because I are warm.  And Miss Whitley, she are a dog who are crazy for kitties.   I think she likes kitties more dan some kitties do!  So she are a pretty good Valentine too.  And Miss Finley too, she are a fun pup to play with!

But I are not done!  I also are Valentine's with my momma's momma.  She likes giving me head kissies and I like rubbing on her.  And my momma's sister who owns my BFF (at least I think we are BFFs, he has got some different ideas sometimes) Maurice.

So it were a busy day!!  And my momma got dis crazy singin and dancin pink monkey thingy.

It are a lotta fun to watch - I love watching dose movin things and I thought they'd all gone away once da humans put up da Christmas decorations.  

Well, I hear da fridge opening, so I gotta go investigate . . . 


  1. You get bacon???

    You are truly a loved kitty!
    And of course so is Jez!

    1. I don't get enuf bacon, only teeny bits!

      Jezebel and Maurice won't eat it, but Charlie luved bacon and so do I! Maybe it are a ginger thing.

  2. Travis likes da bacon just like Charlie did...maybe it's a ginger cat thing...

    But then, there isn't much Travis doesn't like to eat...

  3. Did someone mention BACON???? Have a serene Sunday and get in some big easy today.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Yep, bacon are da bestest! I didn't get any today though. :(

  4. Mmmmmm... bacon.....
    ; ) Katie & Waffles

  5. Travis you are a popular Mancat for sure...that is fantastic that you have so many wonderful Valentines!

    1. Yeah, it are all because of da "adorable factor" as momma calls it.

  6. Valentine's Day beeds furry busy when yew ish furry, furry good lookin', and it just comes wif dah territory, so of course yew hash lotsa Valentine's - it'sh only natural, MOL! Dah Meowmies ish dah bestest Valetines though, dey beeds the ones givin' out dah treats, and my motto ish yew can neFUR have too many of dose! I finks I wouldn't be snugglin' up to day pink monkey though, I finks it'sh one of dose dat makes sudden moves outta dah bloo, and it could pop yew in dah eye or somethin' - dat would be furry ROOD!

    1. I don't snuggles wif it, I just watch it dance and sing. It are very interesting . . .


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.