
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sunshine Award

I got da Sunshine Award from my pal Finley today.  Fanks Finley!

Da Sunshine Award are given by bloggers to other bloggers dat dey admires.  Here are how it works . . . 
1.  Thank da person who gave ya da award.
2.  Name 10 things bout yourself dat others might not know.
3.  Pass the award on to ten other bloggers (show da Sunshine Award logo so dey can use it too!)

Ok, well, I already fanked Finley, so I guess it are time for 10 things bout me.

1.  I are a World Class Biscuit Maker.  I knead my momma all da time - every night!  And I also has been known to make biscuits on blankies, my cat bed, da chair, and even Whitley!

2.  I like to get high.

3.  I tried to steal a turkey leg dis Fanksgivin.  It didn't work becuz I was too small and da leg were too big.  Since I's gotten bigger, I'm hopin it'll work dis year.

4.  I has a super-loud purrbox.  I are so loud dat I can be heard from cross da room!

5.  I has bout a million jillion different meows.  I can even sound like 2 cats havin a cat fight!

6.  I NEVER has used my claws on peeples or bitted them.  Momma says dat dis are extremely rare - I don't know why anycat would wanna scratch or bite peeples, I just luvs dem!  I even luv da vetman - he luvs me right back and wants to steal me.  He are always sayin he would take me if my momma didn't want me no more - well dat are not gonna happen, and besides, get in line dude!

7.  I luv gettin my tummy rubbed.

8.  I has never met anybody I don't like.  I just luvs all da peeples, doggies, and kitties I's met.  I's a very easy-going dude.

9.  I loom over my momma for bacon from my cat tree.

10.  I are a nip addict and steal catnip toys.  I puts dem all in my room and a lotta times dey end up in my momma's bed!

Da 10 bloggers I are nominatin are:

5.  Maurice
7.  Madi

And here are a picture of me lookin all adorable and stuff!


  1. Concatulations on your award, Travis! I loved learning all those facts about you!

  2. Concats on the awardie, Travis! We think #1 on your list should have been that you're adorable. You take pawsome photos!


    1. But it are 10 fings bout yourself dat others might not know . . . everybody knows I are adorable! MOL!

  3. You were up on dat speaker again today... whut's dat about, dude?? Playing King Cat of Speaker Mountain?

  4. Concatulations on your award Travis and well deserved. We can see you like to fly high LOL. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Big ConCATulations on the sunny award. Wow you do go high MOL Have a super weekend xxoxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Yeah, I tried to figure out how to climb onto da ceiling, but I couldn't get da hang of it - MOL!

  6. Concats Travis and boy you are high bwahahaha goodness meezers! and yes you do look cute...very cute :) hugs and loves Fozziemum xx

  7. Travis thank you thank you thank you! Mom and I will post about this early next week. We are so glad to be your friends!!
    Hugs madi and Mom

  8. Concats on your award and thanks for passing it to me. I haven’t been reall good at posting awards lately. Don’t bite or scratch humans? Are you sure you’re a cat, Travis? MOL!

    1. Yeah, I know, it are crazy right? I do know how to use my claws though, I used dem on da woofies.

  9. Concats, Travis!

    Um...we are not sure when webees finding us some time in meowmy's calendar of events...maybe in a hundred years or so...but we will paw her good to remind her after we finish napping...
    Um...*you* might need to mew at us, MOL!

    1. Dem mommas and their things to do - who do dey fink dey are not catering to our every whims??

  10. Congrats on your award, Travis! We enjoyed learning more about you. Once I tried to steal a chicken breast off the counter. But it was a little too big, too.


    1. I'm hopin I can get da turkey leg dis year - I are bigger now.

  11. We just loved learning all these things about you. Love how you make so many bisquits.

  12. ConCatulations Travis!! It wus vewy nice leawnin' mowe 'bout ya'. And yous awe vewy special tu not use oyus claws or teefys on anypawdy. Hav a Pawsum day!! ☺

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥


    1. Fanks! Momma says dat dat are VERY unusual, all da other kitties she's had has had no problems using dem.

  13. Concats on your award Travis! You is one very cool cat, we loves your pic from the cat tree eyeing up the bacon. And no claws or teeth, that is fabulous. Maybe you could have a talk with our sister Georgia, she has a problem keeping her claws to herself.

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  14. Concats on your Sunshine Award Travis - BTW we like abacon too.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  15. Congrats on the award, Travis. We loved hearing all those things about you. And good for you to not bite or scratch any one. Hope you have a wonderful week end.

  16. You certainly are adorable, Travis. So wonderful to learn more about you :)

  17. Travis, we have been very slow to thank you for this award. Maybe if we sit on mum enough she will let us do a post on it.

    Happy Mum's Day to you.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.