
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bad News

Dis just stinks.

Today has been an awful day.  Da peeps got a call from da VetMan dis mornin, Maurice's white blood cell count are through da roof.  It are 56 thousand somefin and it should be round 16 thousand.  So dey took him in to da vet.  Da vetman wanted to do an ultrasound, but he couldn't get da ultrasound peeps to come today, so he referred Maurice to dis speshul diagnostic center.  When da peeps got da, da electricity in dat part of town were out, so Maurice couldn't get his ultrasound right away.  But dat vet said he felt a lotta fluid in Maurice's tummy.

Anyways, da power eventually came back on and Maurice got his ultrasound.  And da vet took a sample of some of da fluid in his tummy.  And he are thinkin it are FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). Our regular vet had done a blood test for dat, but apparently doin a test on da fluid will let us know better.  But we might have to wait until Monday to find out.

If ya don't know what FIP are, it are a really awful disease.  There's no cure and no vaccine for it.  It are bascially a mutashun of da feline coronavirus.  And it are so awful, it uses a kitty's white blood cells, which are supposed to fight diseases, to help spread it round da body.  Dere's basically nuffin da peeps can do, except give Maurice some steroids to try to make him feel a lil better.  He also has some Baytril, just in case it are some kinda penicillin-resistent bacterial infeckshun.  But after da peeps read about FIP, it really sounds like what Maurice has.  Which means he probably won't have very much more time with us.  

And he are only four.  And da peeps, dey have already lost 2 kitties in da last year and a half, Charlie and Jezebel.  It's so wrong dat somefin like dis are happenin to my big black and white buddy.  I don't want just a few more weeks around Moe.   Dis just really stinks.  All da peeps are heartbroken, Maurice is da sweetest kitty, he even likes to give da peeps hugs.  


  1. Oh, Twabis. Dis r da saddest nues eber. Yu r wite - it r nod fare. Nod one bid.

    Momma an' me r finkin' 'bout yur hole fambly an' sendin' wotza wuff an' POtP an' anyfing else dat mite helb sweet Mauwice.

  2. Oh no! Too much sadness at yur place lately.

    Sendin big hugs an luv frum Idunno to all of yu there.

  3. This is plain old WRONG!!! We are sending purrs and support your way and hoping against hope for a miracle. Maurice, we love you.

  4. Its so horrible to know there isn't much even our modern medicines can do fur this **** disease.

    Sure hope you get to have some good snuggles and hugging times.

    We send our best and loudest purrs and many tons of POTP.

  5. Dis blows...#@#$%^&*()(*&^%$%^$%^&*!!.... and evfun dat don't evfun touch how pissed off dis makes me... I loves da big guy...

  6. Oh no! I am so heartbroken for you. :-( This is SO not fair. I'm purring lots for Maurice in case there's a miracle... or at least to help him feel better for the time he has left.

  7. waaa! we are so heartbroken too to read this :( we're keeping our purr motors and POTP going!

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  8. NOOOOOOO!This is so not fair! OMC we are stunned and so sad :( Mom can't stop crying! POTP and loves and prayers for you and Maurice so that he is not in any pain and will feel good if he can't get better.
    Marty and Mom

    1. Fank you. We're tryin to make him as comfortable as possible now.

  9. Oh know!!! I am so, so sorry. Purring and praying that it turns out to be something else that's not so bad. {{{Hugs}}}

  10. This is the stinkiest news EVER!! Crikey Travis ..... I've never heard of FIP before and I sure wish I still hadn't heard of it. I just hope that maybe, just maybe, Maurice might be the exception and beat it or even better it might be something else. Mum and I will be praying for him ... BIG TIME!! stinky, stinky, stinky!!!

    1. Yeah, we wish we'd never heard of FIP either. It are one real nasty thing.

  11. We are heartbroken with you, but keeping our paws crossed for better news.
    Sending lots of purrs and purrayers for all of you. You're in our thoughts.

  12. We are so sorry to hear that the vet thinks Maurice might have FIP. That is a terrible disease and we know your options are very limited. We will still send all our healing and comforting purrs and hope for the best and hope that you and Maurice can share lots more hugs.

  13. Oh no, we are so sorry that Maurice is so sick. Like Summer, we pray for a miracle that something will help him. We send lots and lots of strong purrs. It really does stink. You all sure are in our thoughts and prayers.

  14. So sorry to read this. We have Maurice in our thoughts and prayers and we too pray for a miracle.
    Best wishes Molly

  15. Oh no, it's not fair ! Sorry to say it this way, but FIP is a bitch ! We're sorry to read it about Maurice, and we send strength and courage to your peeps to face it. Purrs

  16. Travis my friend I'm ever so sad and sorry about Maurice....I really am. I had hoped he'd get better even if it was slowly....but this sounds like one of the worstest things he could heart aches for you, him and your whole family but I'm sending EVERY SINGLE BIT OF EXTRA ENERGY I have to make all the time you have with your Moe as good as possible. Sometimes things just aren't FAIR.

    Love and Hugs, Sammy (and Mom)

    1. Yeah, it seems like this is pretty much da worst diagnosis we coulda gotten.

  17. dood...all yur pals be pullin for ya, N hopin N purrayin that sum kinda mews comes yur way & KNOT.... F.I.P

    we will ask St Francis ta werk major over time & ask him ta pull out all stops for hiz miracles....♥♥♥♥♥

    we noe yur peepulz iz major sad...we iz troo lee sorree ~~

  18. Oh no! This just stinks! We were so hoping Maurice would get better. We're purring for him and all of you.

  19. My eyes are leaking and I am reeling with this news. I am praying that that is not what Maurice has. I am praying with all of my heart and soul. You are right, it ISN'T fair...only 4 years old..........keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and sending love and ((((hugs))))

  20. Oh Travis meez heart is bweakin'. Me is so sowwy dat this be happenin' to Moe and to all yous furmily. Weez know weez can't say anyfin' to make it better fur yous, but weez will purray and purray and purray. Dat's all weez know to do, but sumtimes, dat's da bestest fing to do. Purrlease let us know ifin yous need anyfin'.

    Luv ya' bunches

    Dezi, Lexi and mommy

  21. Oh noes! We are so sorry to hear about Maurice.
    We send purrs to the whole family as we know you are all heartbroken.
    He is too young and too cute to be so sick :(
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ


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