
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Sepia Caturday

Hey y'all!  It's been a pretty good Caturday round here, we got some bacon dis mornin.  Den da peeps have been watchin football and me and Crockett has been sleepin off da bacon.  It are da Caturday Afternoon Post-Bacon Coma.  Happens every week, MOL!  Which means we'll have plenty of energy for lots and lotsa zoomies tonight!


  1. Man, we could use a bacon coma around here.

  2. Zoomies yous say? Meez'll be ovew to join yous. 'Bout 3 a.m., is dat good fur yous? MOL Glad yous havin' a gweat Caturday.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

    Purrlease join us this Sunday fur Blest Sunday by postin' yous blessings at da TCC or on yous blog.

  3. You cats and yer bacon obsesshun!! I means I luvs it, but you guyses is addickted er sumthin'!

    Bacon junkies!!

  4. We saw your message. We would love to appoint a cat on our administration! We don't have very many cats and it would be good to have you! We are trying to make our appointments fun and functional. What is it that is your special area of interest? Please have your assistant contact us at

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. We just noticed that you have a tab to help bloggers. We need someone to do this in our administration. Are you interested? Your title would be Director of Blogger Services. let us know!

    2. We wuz just been silly bout a Bacon Department, although it are still a dream of mine . . .

      We'll try to think bout somefin helpful we can do. But ya know, us cats aren't da biggest on being helpful, MOL!

  5. Oh gosh! I like this picture...just like in the old days of black and white. We should play zoomies with each other.


  6. Bet the bacon snoozes are the best ;) heehee
    Your peeps are gonna love the late night zoomies too :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  7. It was so warm here we spent the afternoon sleeping - so like you, we are going to be having LOTS of fun playing tonight!

  8. Glad you got your bacon. Please visit us for a chance to win catnip turkey legs.

  9. Wo! Ho! Yous looks great in sepia! And thanks for stopping by for niptinis! Mes always loves company!

  10. Hope y'all are having some fun zoomies. Astrid is our zoomer, but she does them in the morning. Hope you will join us for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop tomorrow. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  11. You both look gorgeous in sepia. That effect doesn't work well for black kitties like me. You got bacon again?! I've never had bacon but if you two are so enthused about it, it must be really tasty.

  12. We sure wish we could try a post-bacon coma! Hope you enjoyed your rest.

  13. Bacon best way to start the day. Have a serene Sunday and don't forget to have some big easy today.
    Best wishes Molly

  14. Oh nothing's better than a bacon's the only way to go!!!! Happy Sunday to you and Crockett!

    Hugs, sammy

  15. Bacon is a very good fuel for late zoomies ! Purrs

  16. Zoomies in the middle of the night is FUN :)

    Happy Easy SUNday !


  17. Nighttime zoomies rock don't they????!!!!!

  18. Hi there!

    Thanks so much for joining Ruckus and Earl & Ethel for the Sepia Saturday blog hop!!

    Lots of Woofs from Earl, Ethel and I at Earl's World!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.