
Friday, December 5, 2014

Christmas is Coming!

I may have menshuned dat I luvs da Christmassy lights.  I are kinda light-obsessed, momma thinks I got a bit too much time wif da red dot toy when I wuz a kitten.  Anyways, I luvs starin at Christmassy lights and dere are tons in my room.

Ya wanna see what my room looks like??

See, it are kinda Christmas insanity in there, but I luvs it.  I'll show y'all da outside lights tomorrow and da tree once da peeps get it up.  It are even crazier dan my room.

And of course, I gots da obligatory Crockett razzberry picture.

I are workin on my Christmassy list too - do y'all think a ton of bacon is too much for Santa to carry? I want him to have room for da shrimpies, crabs, fishies, chikkens, turkeys, pork roasts, and ham in his sleigh.  MOL MOL!


  1. Wow, that is a lot of festive, all in one room. And you even have Rhett, Scarlett and some of the Wizard of Oz characters to help you celebrate!

    1. Yeah, and Marilyn and Elvis and Priscilla and even more dat aren't showin up. MOL MOL.

  2. It's a kind of Chrissymouse expo ! Purrs

  3. dood...yes, cut bak ta haf a ton oh bacon sew ewe haz mor fish room, N ewe knead ta sends yur fotoz ta speedy....yur room iz way total lee kewl !!! ♥
    heerz two a channel bass kinda week oh end ♥

    1. I guess a half ton would be enuf, as long as Crockett don't wanna share.

  4. WOW! That is quite the festive room!

  5. What a room Travis...are you ever tempted to smack a snowman in the chops?


  6. OMC! How is it you don't nom on all that? You don't, do you? Not even just a nibble here or there? Admiring purrs....

  7. Your mom did a great job decorating. I really like the pink tree and your cute little tongue.

  8. There is so much to look at in your room, we don't think it would be possible to see everything. Maybe a half ton of bacon would be better so Santa has room for all those other noms. Does Crockett ever put that cutie tongue away? Hope you will join us for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop this week. Ho, ho, ho, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Yeah, he puts it away sometimes, but it always seems to come out when ya point a camera at him.

  9. WOW! Christmas has certainly landed in your room Travis! It actually looks like Santa's workshop exploded in there (hahaha). So many things to look at and all the beautiful lights....WOW. You certainly are READY for the big guy to shove that ton of bacon in his sleigh and bring it to you Christmas Eve!!!!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Yeah, my momma are a Christmassy nutso. And she just keeps addin stuff.

  10. Wow nice job mum. That is truly festive. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love your room and your Christmas Spirit is every where.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  12. Oh wow Travis, dat's pawsum. Weez luv da lights too, but not hav even half of what yous hav.

    Mmmmmmm Bacon nd lots of it sounds purretty pawsum to us too.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  13. Your room is *amazing*. I love Christmas decorations, dolls and stuffies too. I especially adore your GWTW mom has a huge collection.

  14. Your room looks like Santa's Doll shop! Love all the pink and dolls and lights :)


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.