
Saturday, December 20, 2014

No Bacon

Well, we had a major crisis here today.  Dere wuz no bacon.  Momma says dere wuz bacon, but only 3 pieces which wuz not enuf for everybody.  Two for me, one for Crockett, I didn't see what da problem wuz.  Anyways, I got to da top of da cat tree when breakfast wuz served, AKA, my bacon receivin posishun.  Crockett wuz on da level below me and Angelique wuz on da level below him.  We wuz all ready.

And den I saw it.  Scrambled eggs.  Toast.  Jelly.  Milk.  Coffee.  NO BACON!!!!

Crockett's momma gave me a bite of scrambly egg, but dat wuz not cuttin it.  I been bein tortured all week wif antlers, Santa hats, jingle collars, you name it.  I earned extra bacon, not a baconless Caturday.

I stalked off and gave da peeps da stink eye.

At least dey came home from shoppin wif three packs of maple bacon.  I hope I never has to endure dis kinda TRAVISty again!  And I better get a LOT of bacon tomorrow.


  1. Dood! Way too sad fur yu!
    I bet the 3 pounds o' bacon will be All Fur Yu kitty cats!

  2. I can't believe your human pulled such a nasty trick, making you all wear "festive" stuff and then not giving you bacon. It's shocking, I say!

    1. Yeah, Santa Paws are gonna have her on da naughty list.

  3. OMD! Cwockett wooks wike a deer in da headwites. Angelweek wooks wike hur wants tu wip sumone's face off an' Twabis? Yu wook wike 3 pounds ob bacon cood nod possibwy be 'nuff tu make up fur da incatnities witch yu hab beened put fru dis week! I say sumone needs tu head out tu da heerest gwocewy store wite NOW an' head stwait tu da bacon aisle!!

    1. I don't know if da store has enuf bacon to make up for what I've been through.

  4. You guys are looking awful adorable! Hope you get lots of bacon tomorrow!

  5. WHAT!??
    You mean they did not open the bacon and cook you some as soon as they got home? Sheesh!
    You better get extra helpings Sunday!!!!!!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

    1. Yeah, dey wrapped packages instead. And dey weren't even for me!

  6. Poor you...meowmy was thinking of you at her job...she was helping peeps get ready fur bed...and they had bits and pieces of *bacon* in their laps and even one lady had it in her bed, MOL!
    Meowmy almost laughed her head off at the thought of you coming into her head fur all that wasted bacon, OMC!
    Maybe she shoulda packed it up and mailed it to your den, esp seeing as you needed some today...

    And telling you the goodstuff is coming and not giving it to ya, that is known as *bait and switch*...lawyers you should know that. OMC!

    1. She should have, MOL!

      Wif me around, dere wouldn't have been any bacon crumbs. Me and Crockett are like bacon vacuums.

  7. We didn't see the problem with only 3 pieces, either. MOL!
    Sounds like there's an excellent chance for bacons tomorrow, though.
    Good luck and keep us posted.

  8. Crikey ...... How funny's Finley?? A travisty indeed, aye?? You was robbed Travis. You DESERVED bacon. I'm glad to hear you're at the top of the tree mate with Crockett number 2 and Angelique on the bottom. Keep an eye on her Travis. Those Sheila's can be mighty pushy.

    1. Yeah, she keeps tryin to climb to da top when I'm not lookin.

  9. Well that plain sucks much for xmas season of giving...yikes ..loves Fozziemum xx

    1. Yeah, dey should give me bacon everyday to make up for it.

  10. WHAT NO BACON??????? Bad, bad humans.
    Have a serene and easy Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. whaaa?!?!? we can't believe you didn't get any bacon, Travis! clearly there was enough for you kittehs. we hope you'll all get extra today! purrs,

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  12. After your week of torment having to wear christmas accessories, I can't believe you didn't get your bacon.

  13. OMC NO BACON...we can see the disbelieve in your eyes, lonestarcats and if I had known, I'd brought you some bacon... of grandpa :) Pawkisses :)

  14. OMC Travis, NO bacon? Dat's just pawful. Yous do deserve lots of extwa. And maybe even a whole package all to yous selff fur Christmas.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  15. How awful, and so close to Chrristmas. You poor kitties. I am glad they bought some now in time for Christmas.

  16. This was an outrage for sure, they better produce the bacons pronto!

  17. This is absolutely unacceptable behavior on the part of your peeps. We hope Santa was watching and knows how they let the three of you down. Hope you all got an extra portion today. By the way, you all look precious and Christmasy in your sparkly collars. Ho, ho, ho, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Fanks. I think dey may be back on da nice list after today.

  18. OMC! We can't believe that. Your humans need to do much better or else they might find a little surprise on their pillow. ;)

  19. NO BACON? Oh no.......impossible.....incredible....inexcusable......after all you have been through with posing for photos with all those antlers, hats and fuzzy things wrapped all around you and you didn't get your bacon. It's an OUTRAGE! I hope they're making it up to you......'tis the season for bacon you know!

    Hugs, Sammy

  20. We're all for giving peepe the stink eye for any reason at all! Heee!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.