
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Amerjencee Vet

Hey y'all.  I didn't have a good day today - I had to go to da amerjencee vet dis afternoon.  My momma wuz gettin ready to go outside and go swimmin when she saw me sittin in my basket and wondered why I wuz stickin my tongue out at her.  Since dat are kinda Crockett's thing and she has never seen me doin it.  But den she realized dat it wuz not my tongue, it wuz my lip and it had swollen up real big.

Dis are not my usual glamour shot . . .

Ya can see it a lil bit in da top picture, which she took this morning.  But it wuzn't there at all yesterday, so off I went to da amerjencee vet wif her and Crockett's momma.  I wuzn't happy and I sang da Song of My People for a lil bit on da way.  But once I got there, I wuz my usooal sweet self and made da vet tech and da vet fall in luv.  Dey's all in luv wif me at my normal vet - my vet's offered to take me mulitple times and I even make da vet techs who aren't "cat people" want a kitty - if dey could get one like me.  I's not braggin, dey's ackshually said dat.  I think it has to do wif da no-bitin, no-scratchin and just bein sweet to em.

Anyways, I wuz my normal sweet self while dey examined me.  Da vet thought it wuz probably some kinda insect bite or bite wound (from tusselin wif Angie).  But of course she had to menshun worse possible scenarios - includin a mast cell two-more.  I got some injecshuns too - Aunty Histmean, Aunty Bye-Otics, and roids.  If I are not better, I are sposed to go to da regular vet on Monday.

And in case ya don't believe me dat da vet wuz in luv wif me - check out my report!

Patient, brave, handsome, sweet - yeah, I think dis one are smitten!

When I came home, I hid under da bed for a while, but now I are out and sleepin in da chair and my BFF Crockett are keepin me company.

I luvs dat silly razzberry dude.

And here are Angie's pic today - she ain't gonna get to tussel wif me for a while.  Guess Crockett'll have to keep her entertained.

In better news, we all got our bacon dis morning.  Here we is in our bacon receivin spots - I are still Top Cat™ round here!


  1. Sure hope yer lip feels all better soon, Big Guy! Momma sez "Whut's not to luv 'bout Peaches? He's one is a million or ten million!"-- think it's all dat nevfur bitin' er scratchin'....

    How duz ya man-idge to nevfur use yer fangs or claws on peeps, anyways? Is it sum kinda zen-Buddha thang er sumthin'???

  2. Demand your medi sin wrapped in bacon!

  3. Crikey Travis ........ sweet??? OMD man. You need to toughen up a bit. The handsome bit's ok but SWEET!!! Fair dinkum, mate ... SWEET!!!!!! CRIKEY!!
    Sorry you had such a bad day

    1. Well, it wuz a lady vet. I's got to charm da ladies.

  4. Sending healing purrz to you, Travis. Hope it gets all better.

  5. That looks furry ouchie, and we hope it goes away furry fast. We are purring hard fur ya, Travis.

    Hope the others decide not to wrassle you fur a good long while, so you can rest and heal...with lots of bacon of course!

    1. Fanks. I's been takin it easy today, just snoozin wif Crockett.

  6. Mowzers, OWzers! We're sure it was from a gurlcat tussle. Yup.

  7. We are sure sendin you some big purrs for you lip! You look handsome even with it swollen!

  8. I hope that swollen lip clears up quickly! I love that you got such a glowing report at the vet!

    1. Momma says she's never seen a vet report like dat. I think I deserves extra treats for it.

  9. We hope your swollen lip will be better soon and back to it's normal size Travis and tell your Mom that bacon is very good for healing wounds. Fancy getting a report from the vet - Mum says all we get is the bill!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  10. We are so sorry Travis that you had a darn swollen lip. That sure sounds like a good vet and so glad that you got a good report. We hope you are all back to normal by now and that you got lots and lots of bacon for being such a good boy at the vet. You all have a great Sunday.

    1. Fanks - my lip are better, but still swollen today.

  11. Shur hope those Aunties an junk will help yu get better real quick!

  12. Dear Travis, we purr that fat lip goes away soon
    and does not come back!We are happy the Vet did not think that it is serious.
    It did look a bit better in your first pic.
    Maybe more bacon will help ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  13. What a great report, you can be proud of it ! We hope your lip is healing quick ; fortunately, you could get your bacon ! Purrs

  14. We hope you're feeling better and that thingy goes away. Your mom is lucky they didn't steal you at the vet! They sure did love you

    1. Yeah, my regular vet luvs me too. And da vet techs is all in luv.

  15. Oh no! We hope you feel better real soon!

    Noodle and crew

  16. Hope you feel better soon

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  17. Oh Meow Travis dat's a pawsum bacon weceivin' spot. We be kinda jealous. :) Glad da VET liked you. We fink yous wight, they just be totally smitten wiff da kitten. And weez glad it's nuffin' serious. Weez'll be purrayin' fur ya' to get all better. Have a blest day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  18. We are not surprised at all that you are the heart throb of all the gals at the Vet's, Travis....We do hope that you feels better real soon (and get lots of sympathy bacon!!)!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  19. Travis, buddy, that doesn't sound like fun! Those Auntys aren't very nice but I think they are good for us! I hope the Auntys work and you are better soon! xxx

  20. Oh Dear! We hope it's all better by now...that's gotta smart!

    1. Fanks - it are still swollen, but less so and less pink.

  21. Oh Travis. We hope your lip gets better. Sometimes mine will swell up like that because of allergies. ~Ernie

  22. Yep..Island Cats are exactly right. Cody's does the same and it is due to allergies. Hope it feels better soon!

    1. Fanks. Just as long as it's not a bacon allergy, I'll be ok.

  23. You poor baby, I am going to pray for you.

  24. dood...werd on de streetz iz ya had ta go two de place oh eeeeeeeeeeeevil....we iz troo lee sorree & st francis sendz hiz best....we hope by now ya iz chillaxin kinda pool side.... with a slab oh de good stuf.....f & de swellin haz gone a way N never comez bak....may bee it waz a bass terd spider what did it two ewe ? ♥♥♥

    1. N yea....thatz knot a new way ta spell stuff { ....stuf......f } we iz havin typin trubullz two day !

    2. Yeah, momma wuz thinkin it might be a spider since I is always after da buggies.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.