
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Caturday Bacon!!

FINALLY!  Da Caturday Baconatin has returned!!  Can ya believe we wuz deprived of bacon for two weekends???  Dat are what happens when da mommas go outta town.

We luvs Crockett's daddy and Angelique's momma, but dey are not da cooks of da family.  So we wuz real happy to see da bacon bein cooked dis mornin.  It tasted extra-delishus, I bet it cuz we wuz so bacon-depraved.  I mean deprived.  MOL!

I'm hopin we never have to go dat long wifout bacon again!


  1. yoW! two weekends without bacon is bordering on animal cruelty :D Crockett looks so shocked, mol! we think you three should get a week of bacon to make up for the depravity :D

    pip, smidge, minnie, hollie, sharpie

  2. Love your photos today, especially Angelique's glamor shot. We think it's time you teach Crockett and Angelique's humans how to cook bacon! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Well, Crockett's momma are da usual bacon cook. My momma can do it, it only sometimes gets a lil crispy. We just need to figger out how to keep them here!

  3. We agree! Two weekends is TOO long at wait for bacon!
    We purr you were able to deal with the withdrawls.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  4. We hope you got double the bacon for having to wait so long.

  5. Now, there must be a law against waiting that long for bacon!

  6. Hahahahah you must have suffered as not even a raspberry was in sight ..yikes! loves Fozziemum xx

  7. You got bacon and we get no tongue?

  8. Well, that's not right! But then, I never get bacon around here.

  9. OH.MY.CAT......The tragedy, the depravation...or is it deprivation?? Sheesh, we are just glad to hear you got to have some (hopefully LOTS) of bacon today!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

    1. Yeah, we did pretty good today. But I'm still anglin for bacon tomorrow!

  10. YAY!!!!!! The bacon has landed! I got bacon yesterday AND this morning too........Mom's trying to make up for deserting me Friday.

    Love, Sammy

  11. Lovely selfies! We are glad you finally got your bacon

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  12. OMC Travis 2 whole weeks? Dat's like a lifetime. Y'all kulda wasted away to nuffin. Me means absolutely nuffin'. MOL Glad yous got da bacon again. Have a blest day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  13. Wow - you are really luck to get back the bacon favorite! Enjoy thoroughly,

    Debby in Prescott Valley, Arizona

  14. Bacon-depraved is probably more like it. Bwahahaha!
    Glad to see all of you looking so great this Sunday.

  15. Your Momma's should have stockpiled some bacon all ready cooked and the peeps that stayed behind could have warmed it up fur ya'll...remember to mew that afur they go away again and abandon you:)) Or ...there is even precooked bacon available in stores!! Just heat and eat! Yum!! You need to use the plastic thing in the wallet of one of your peeps, surely you can snag one?

    You all look nice though, bacon or not! Maybe better though with a tongue from washing off the last tastes of the bacon! Mmmmmmmm.......

    1. Hmmm, now stealin da plastic sounds like a plan!

      We're bettin Crockett's daddy or Angelique's momma coulda figgered it out - dey just wuzn't dat motivated. Parently my nonstop meowin wuz not understood correctly. MOL!

  16. It does sound awfully traumatic! We hope the Mamas learnt their lesson and never go away ever again! ;p

    the critters in the cottage xo


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.