
Friday, November 13, 2015

Crockett's Momma's Birthday

Today wuz Crockett's momma's birthday!

 He gave her a big ol birthday razzberry, MOL MOL!

And Angie gave da glamour pose - of course, she are a glamour puss.

Da peeps started da day wif crabcakes eggs benedict.  Me and Crockett managed to snag some crab last night when my momma made em up - she can't resist da squee face.  Or da constant meowin.

Dis are Crockett's momma.  I think she liked dem crabcakes almost as much as we luv crab!

Da mommas also took advantage of Starbucks' but one get one free holiday latte sale wif da infamous red cup.  MOL!  Crockett tried to steal some salted caramel latte, but it wuzn't happenin.

Crockett gave his momma some birfday snuggles.

She got all kindsa presents, but none of em wuz bacon, so I think she kinda got shafted.  She seemed to like em though.  Peeps is weird.

Jewelry and purses, yawwwwnnnnn.

Crockett's momma and daddy - AKA, my grandma and grandpa.

Ok, it are a family portrait minus my momma.  Crockett's momma and daddy and Angelique's momma.  My momma are da pawpurrazzi of da family, so sometimes she are not in da photo.


But since she are da #selfiequeen, here she are.  Lilly Pulitzer, high heels, and high hair.  MOL!

Da peeps went to Pappadeaux for dinner.

Are dat crawfish e-too-fay I sees????

How come dere wuz no kitty bag???

My momma made da birfday cake.  It was lemon wif lemon buttercream frosting and even featured a Crockett on it!  It wuz her firstest decorated cake she's made.

Da peeps said it was yummy, I dunno cuz dey didn't share.

Happy birfday to my grandma!  I luvs ya tons.  Has I mentioned how beeyootifull ya is, speshully when ya cooks bacon????  Ya does know dat bacon makes ya pretty and keeps ya lookin young, right??


  1. It looks like Crockett's human had SUCH a nice birthday! Even if no bacon was involved. MOL.

  2. What a beautiful family indeed sweeties and Happy Birthday to Crocketts Mum :) looks like she did get shafted on the bacon though...bummer :) Loves Fozziemum xxx

    1. Yeah, I wuz hopin she'd get some birfday bacon to sharesies, but no such luck.

  3. No bacon???? Yep! Someone was shafted!! Happy Birthday to Crockett's mama. What a great looking family you have :) xx

  4. Other than the lack of bacon, it looks like you all had a good time celebrating Crockett's mom's birthday.

  5. What a most beautimous family!! Happy Birthday to Crockett (and Finley)'s Mama!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
    PeeEss...Mama says she reaaaalllllllyyyyy misses Pappadeaux!!! They don't have them here in, "the middle of nowhere",California!

    1. My momma says it are yummy, I says she shoulda brought home a kitty bag!

  6. What a fun birthday Crockett's momma had! Happy Birthday to her. :)

  7. Happy Birthday to Crocketts's mommy. It looks like she had a great day. But any day that starts with crab has to be good. Mom is jealous. She had oatmeal for breakfast. That cake you mom made was a masterpiece! Sending your gander lots of good wishes. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. Happy Birthday to Crockett's Momma. I think the best gift is that raspberry :) It looks like she had a great day and that cake came out great- even if it isn't bacon flavored :)

  9. You know what Mommy took away from this?

    VERA BRADLEY!!! she is insane.

    Happy Birffday, Crockett's Momma!

  10. Happy Birthday to your mom, Crockett ! The bag is pawsome, but you gave her the best gift : a raspberry ! Purrs

  11. What a wonderful birthday celebration for your Momma Crockett! And Travis, I think you could probably sell bacon door to door - you are as nuts about it as I am......those crabcakes look delish I have to admit. Looks like you all had a fabulous PAR-TAY. Rest up today!

    Hugs, Sammy

  12. Aaaaaaaw happy belated Meowday to yous gwammaw Travis. Yous furmily is gawjus just like you. Weez glad she had a pawsum time. And hey, ifin yous get bacon outta dat awgument let us know. Mommy's always twyin' to find ways to keep lookin' yung. MOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  13. Raspberries and crabcakes? Sounds like a pretty good birthday to me except, you know, for the lack of bacon. MOUSES!



    1. Well, da bacon came today, so maybe it wuz belated bacons.

  14. Happy Birthday to Crockett's Momma! What a great B-Day celebration she had, how awesome! That cake is fabulous! Wishing her a great year ahead filled with all good things!

  15. Happy Belated Birthday to your Grandma, Travis!
    And to Crockett's Momma! And...Finley's Momma!

    Celebrations like that necessitate Bacon...but we guess crab was a good stand-in.

    Meowmy has the furry same Birthday, OMC!! Except we had to catabrate later cause we were in Jail...and she was traveling...sigh...Pawppy couldn't even treat her to a dinner...until tonight, MOL! They went to a spawsial Italian Bistro, Mmmm...and the chef prepared noms to meet the dietary needs of pawppy so he could stay on his spawsial fur the bottle of wine, MOL!

    1. Eyetalian food?? Yummmm, our peeps luv dat! Happy belated birthday to your meowmy!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.