
Friday, November 27, 2015


Well, our Fanksgivin wuz a day late, but I still got all dressed up in my leafy bandanarama for it.

Us kitties helped snoopervise da mommas cookin.

But we got locked up during da meal!  Just cuz I tried to launch myself in da middle of da pumpkin pie.  What da meow??  What's a pumpkin pie wifout a lil pumpkin-colored kitty fur???

Anyways, da peeps all really enjoyed da dinner.

OMC, does dat burd look delishus!

Da pies remained fur-free.

Oh look, dey made up a plate for us kitties - how nice.  WHAT??  Dat's not for us???

Ok, so we did get a lil turkey.  And we's fankful for it, although we woulda been MORE fankful if we'd gotten more.  Hope y'all had a wonderful Fanksgivin and Black Friday!


  1. We kind of lost out not having Thanksgiving dinner made here. Or so we thought - then my human came home from the restaurant with HAM! Ham would never have happened here, since neither of the humans here eat it.

  2. Don't your peeps know that kitty furs add extra fibers to a pie?? It makes it healthier, for sure!!

    Happy Thanksgiving Smileys!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  3. isn't kitteh or pup furs a condimint? hee hee!
    Your family's Thanksgiving meal looks delish and we are drooling all over our computer. looks like you all did a good job of snoopervising the cooks :) You look great in your leafy bandanana, Travis! have a great weekend!

    pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie

  4. Travis, you tried to jump in the pie?? But isn't that what blackburds do??

    Crockett was so busy thinking about turkey that he furgot to give even a teeny raspberry. MOL!

    Wonder if Angelique had dibs on anything?

    Are you going to have some more bacon?? Tomorrow? That would make a great end to the festivity:)

    1. I'm hopin so, but I think da mommas might be tired of cookin for a while, MOL!

  5. Wow, that does look like some fantastic food. Glad you three got a little bit of turkey. And also very glad you didn't fur up the pie. Have a great day.

  6. Travis I think your "day late" Thanksgiving celebration looks delishus! Beautiful table.....nice lookin' turkey and fixins......and if you guys got some of those nommy turkey bits after the meal was over then YAY! SCORE! As for the "real" Thanksgiving, I think it was nice to sacrifice it for the birthday celebration.......what a lot of prezzies! I'd say you guys have it pretty good because you have TWO DAYS of celebrating and the possibility of TWICE the food goodies! Not a bad deal.............

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Yeah, two days of good food are pretty hard to beat!

  7. You really don't want the Peeps foods. Yours are MUCH better. They might have cracked a can of YOUR turkey feast, be grateful they didn't muscle in on your foods. xxoo.

    1. Uhhh, ya's been bein lied to Katie. Peep food are WAY better.

  8. What a beautifully set table w delish food
    Hugs Madi your bfff

  9. We were offline for Thanksgiving – hope you had a fantastic day and Happy Caturday! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

  10. That looks like a fabulous feast! Maybe you'll get more later.

  11. Happy Belated Thanksgiving- I am glad you got some turkey.I mailed that Rudolph plane out today- thanks for helping the auction. I put some toys in for you kitties too :)

  12. Oh man! Our mouths are watering! Since the mom went some place else for Thanksgiving...and didn't even have turkey...she's gonna make a turkey tomorrow. We hope we get some!

  13. Replies
    1. Well, we didn't get gravy, but we did get some turkey!

  14. That looks like a wonderful dinner!
    Have a super Sunday...

    Noodle and crew

  15. That looks like it was SO yummy...hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.