
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

More Christmas Bakin

Well, today it wuz Santa hats.  And we got to wear da udder side of da woodland bandana.

Does Santa give razzberries??  Crockett Santa does!

And Angelique are even toleratin my momma's silliness.  She must really be anglin for presents.

My momma has been up more Christmas Bakin and not da pork kind.  Dese are some of da yummies she and Crockett's momma has made.

Mint chocolate brownies.


Decorated sugar cookies.

Wait a minute, dere's a westie??  I think dere should be a kitty instead!!

Peanut butter blossoms.

Lemon sugar cookies.

And cashew caramel cookies.  And my momma made even more today and more are on da way.  I's just hopin dat roomer I heard bout Christmas crabbycakes comes true!


  1. My human is hungry after seeing all those treats! Maybe it'll keep her mind off of brining out our Santa hats again.

  2. My goodness your mom's are busy bakers. You all look festive in your hats.

  3. You guys look very jaunty in your Santa hats, though Crockett doesn't look that thrilled. The mom's mouth is watering looking at all those cookies and desserts. She want to come to your house for Christmas.

  4. WOW! Those cookies look great and you all look adorable.

  5. MEoW Travis yous mommy's sure awe puttin' out da spwead. It all looks nommy to us. And weez sure yous bound to get sumfin' good fur Christmas. Crabby cakes sound gweat. Have a very blest Christmas.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  6. Yum, Yum YUM!!

    Meowmy says she is hunkering after some fudge...but alas it is not in our den anymore...shucks. Too great a temptation her and pawppy the unfurs have to go to the store, buy their own and eat it afur they get back home, MOL!!

    You look so cute in those tall Santa toques!

    1. Fanks! And I'll try to snag some fudge to enjoy vi-care-ee-usly for your momma. ;)

  7. Firstly, your Santa Hats are so adorable and your pics are awesome! Secondly, my Human is going crazy over your baking and says purrhaps you can send some caramel cookies back with Clooney Claus!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.