
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Bacon Bacon Bacon!

We got our Caturday bacon dis morning!  And it wuz delishus!

And my momma even made us bacon bandanas to wear - I think we is a stylin trio.  And hey, bacon bandanas gotta mean more bacon, right??

Next up, she needs to make some shrimp bandanas, chikken bandanas, turkey bandanas, fishy bandanas, butter bandanas, well, yeah, are y'all gettin hungry yet??

We also has some really good news bout our pup sisfur Whitley.  As some of y'all might know, she has been havin some real bad mobilitee ishooes and has not been able to walk for a month.  Da mommas ordered her some wheels and she is figgerin em out - guess she is pretty smart (for a pup anyways).


  1. HIP HIP HURRAH for Whitley!!!!

    and bacon ain't bad, either.

  2. Glad you got bacon today but hey ..... what do ya mean Whitley's pretty smart for a pup???????? You insinuating we pups aren't smart or something????? Watch it Travis!!! Whitley's one smart pup. I'd like to see you manage wheels in such a short time. Hmmmmmmmmmph just cause you scratch, spit and hiss you think you've got it all over us, aye???

    1. Yeah, cept we don't think we gots it all over y'all. We KNOW it.

  3. Replies
    1. Yup - and da best part wuz dat dey came wif da real thing!

  4. I'm glad Whitley is getting some help! Sadly, there is no bacon in this hotel... my human needs to upgrade our cat show lifestyle!

  5. You all look very satisfied...and eatable...MOL :D Yeah! for Whitley. Keep us updated <3 Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday :) <3

  6. Those are such great bandanas. Great news about Whitley. So glad she is getting around now. You all have a great Sunday.

  7. Bacon and bacon bandanas! That is pawsome!
    The news about Whitley is so happy too :)
    Bet she'll be wizzing around in no time!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  8. We had no idea you could find fabric with bacon on it! BOL!

    Hope the wheels work for Whitley!

    1. Yeah, dere are ALL kindsa things on da internet!

  9. Whitley bless your heart. You are way smart and I'm so proud of you. The boys will be swooning over you when you go zipping by doing wheelies on your wheels. Well done girlfriend.

    Crockett, Travis and Angie we love your scarves with the rick-a-rack on them. Don't you just love saying rick-a-rack
    Hugs madi your bfff

  10. Did someone say bacon!?
    Have a super Sunday...

    Noodle and crew

  11. Your bacon bandanas are terrific ! Purrs

  12. Okay, you guys are too adorable for words in your bacon bandannas!!!

  13. Bacon bandanas! LOVE! Want one!!! So glad about your woofie sisfur. I hope she will master her wheels quickly.

  14. Wheels for Whitley? That sounds pawsome! And so are your cool bacon bandanas.

  15. Glad you all got yous bacon. And those bandannas are pawsum Travis. We luv da wheels fur Whitley and so glad she's gettin' 'em figgered out. Sendin' purrayers.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  16. We absolutely love your bacon bandanas. And we are so happy to hear about Whitley's new wheels. Hope she gets accustomed to them quickly and is able to enjoy being mobile again. She remains in our purrs and prayers. If you are not doing Sunday Selfies this week, you could add one of these photos to the hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. We did our selfie post, it wuz just a lil late, MOL!

  17. I am glad you got your bacon and those bandanas are great. I am glad Whitley has wheels and knows how to use them.

  18. Your Momma is very talented! We're glad to hear good news about your pup.

  19. Hooray fur bacon!! And even more hoorays fur your sisfur and her pawsome wheels. Did she take any of you fur rides yet?? MOL!

    1. Nope, but Crockett and I has sniffed her wheels - both when she wuz in em and outta em!

  20. You three are STYLIN', for sure! Purrs, Seville.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.