
Monday, July 18, 2016

Dubble Trubble Is Here

Well, they're here.  And really, me and Crockett ain't scared of em.  We's just uhhh, not dat interested. Yeah, dat are it.

I mean, I even finally decided to come out to da livin room tonite.  Dat should show I'm not scared.

And Crockett even sniffed one of em last nite.  Just cuz he took off right after doesn't mean he's scared, maybe it just smelled bad.  Yeah, dat's da ticket . . . 

Okay, enough of this.  I know Travis has appointed himself the "spokescat" of this blog, and Bast knows he likes to speak enough, but I'm taking over here.  These so-called tough Texas tomcats, named after the heroes of the Alamo, are nothing but big orange PUSSIES.  They've been hiding out from these little baby dogs and who has been the only cat brave enough to have anything to do with them?  That's right, me, the "skittish" girl who everyone (even my own momma!) thought would be hiding for weeks.  But no, I'm smart.  Of course I'm smart, I'm a female.  And I am training these little baby dogs, just like my predecessor Jezebel trained Whitley and Finley.  And I'm getting them on MY side too, I'm talking GIRL POWER - now the girl animals outnumber those goofy boys four to two and we are in charge.   So those goofy gingers better watch it.  I have any army of dogs on my side now.

P.S.  If you want to read the Baby Dog's blogs, you can check them out at Kinley Westie and Finley and Brinley's Short Tails.


  1. Angelique! I knew you were much more than just a pretty face!

  2. mol at ::ahem:: brave Travis and Crockett :D way to go, Angelique! girl cat power! :) although we must admit, as cute as the pups are, if they were here, we'd be hiding too...

    pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie

  3. Well, HER heart melted! We think you should look out for all those girls!

  4. OMC!!! how catciting fur alla you, but look at you go, yes gurl power fur sure

  5. Uh oh....*shivers*...I have to say, we are a little worried about you and Crockett, Travis. Those girls seem a little your backs!!
    Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  6. GO GIRL!!! Sounds like you will make a great Alpha Kitty!!

    High Five Smileys!

  7. Way to go Angelique!
    Things in your home are bound to be lively for a while ;)
    The pups are cute.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  8. Hari OM
    OMD they look far too cute for words... Angelique, well done on getting in the top pawsition on the arrivals. Excellent planning, as is only to be expected from a cat - and that too, a female!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Us boys are just smart enuf to avoid those things.

  9. OMD, OMD, I is hoping from paw to paw in excitements...THEY'VE arrived, woohoo!!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx
    PeeS Girl Power Rules!!!!!

    1. Yup, dey are here. And makin dere presents known.

  10. Angelique! make sure Girl Power triumphs! Welcome you two little bundles of utter joy! Won't you be keeping everyone on their toes for the next while?! We think so! Kisses and cuddles from all of us here :)
    the critters in the cottage xo

  11. Yes, smart thinking! They are at a very trainable age so you gotta teach 'em right! BUTT they are so cute they can get away with anything BOL!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. my stars girl but the dogs ARE cute and I daresay dont let on that I said so or we will never hear the end of that and I'm very happy to learn you brought them over to the girls side as yes indeed we DO rule and we always have and always will so like who cares what the boys think indeed. hugs from dai$y ♥♥♥ =^..*=

  13. Boys, you have your hands full if Angelique is successful in recruiting them! Good luck! *ear licks* Noodle

  14. MOL ! Way to go, Angelique ! Purrs

  15. OMC, they are both adorable. Good for you, Angelique, for lining them up to be your allies. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. Well, well!! Who knew! It must be a girl kitty thing, cause our angle Suki did the same thing when we arrived, and later when dogguy came in this den she showed him real good about what was what! And Pipo of course took the lessons seriously and he is the pup swatter here...Minko is a silly dude and washes his ears and face...maybe you can all gang up on those pups when they are snoozing and have a lick to see how they taste, Minko says its kind of yummy, MOL!!

    Glad you earned those yummy treats!

    1. MOL, now Angie are gonna be goin on bout girl power even more.

  17. Oh they are ADORABLES!!!!! Now the girls are in charge, who knows what you and Crockett are gonna be in for.....Travis I say it's time you and Crockett take back your power! That's right - KITTIES RULE and PUPS DROOL!

    Hugs, sammy

  18. MOL Angelique exactly raising my paw fur girl power!!

    Matilda (& Matt)

  19. Hmmm... They really are kinda cute, aren't they? Actually, they're REALLY cute. Kinda adorable in a real sweetie pie kinda way. PURRS.

  20. Have to admit, they are very cute! Hope you all get along great :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  21. Angelique, you can hop over to my castle anytime to get away from those ginger pussycat boys. I knew you would be the one to take those woofies under paw and educated them about what they need to be doing for you


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.