
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thoroughly Poetical Thursday

So it are poetical Thursday and ya know what dat means . . . anudder poem from da Poet Lauryette of Lone Star Cats - AKA me!

Why are it dat Angie are not impressed??

Ok, so here goes . . .


It's poetic Thursday
And da letter is D
So I wrote about dogs
I haf to live with three
One tries to chase us cats
She's totally insane
Dey bark and howl a lot
Not sure they have a brain
But they can be fun too
To smacky paw and hiss
Gettin up high is good
I watch them jump and miss
I call them lots of names
But dey is not lazy
I luv da silly dogs
Even if they're crazy

Hope y'all liked my poem!


  1. I really enjoyed your poem! Dogs may not be as smart as us cats, but they can be useful!

  2. I is finking that is a PAWFECT poem, I is VERY impressed....although I is not so sure you should be teasing us pups quite so much!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. I sure enjoyed your poem! And it said all that needs to be said about woofies I think. Good job!

  4. MOLMOLMOL I did my poem on Dogs too. Yours is brilliant 'cause you live it every day.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  5. BOL! We love your poem, it was very visual!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. That is a good poem Crockett! We don't has any dogs here

    1. Uh.... I ain't da one dat wrote it. Travis did.


  7. Replies
    1. I wish I'd a wrote it... but Travis did.


  8. Aww, great poem! And you guys are also looking very cute! :)
    Thank you for sharing. Keep up the fun posts! Lucy

  9. stanDin ovayshinz heer lee awesum ...tribute.... ☺☺☺☺ ta Dawgz !!

    heerz two an atlantic silverside kinda week oh end ~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  10. That was a great poem, Travis. We're glad those dogs live with you and not us. ;)

  11. Crockett, you are such a master of the poem!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  12. Great poem! It's a rare mancat that's so sure of who he is that he'll write poetry.

    1. Yeah, well, real mancats write poetry. And live in a hot pink room.

  13. great poem, Travis! yeah, Angelique doesn't look too impressed with your topic :) our mom has a thing for kitty pawsies and yours gave her a squee. yeah, she's a little bit silly...

    pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto

  14. Crikey Travis ... You're pretty good at this poetry stuff, aye? I reckon the French Tart's not impressed because she's not talented like you.

  15. I hope you and yours had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and are having a very HAPPY NEW YEAR. May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at

    1. Thank you so very much for giving permission. You can see your linked header under All, Pets and the United States. If you could say something (preferably good) about here and there, we would greatly appreciate it.

  16. Oh I just LOVE your poem! It's fabulous and a PERFECT "D" poem for your household where you have to keep the pups under control.....which I know you can do with NO PROBLEM. Cats rule - dogs drool...that's the old saying right? Thanks for pawticipting in my poetry day - next week we move on to "E".....are you thinking about it????

    Hugs and Happy Weekend
    Angel Sammy

  17. you are sweet. Fancy writing a poem!

  18. Great poem Angelique. I think you described dogs perfectly - crazy but lovable.

  19. That was a great ditty about your pups, Travis!! We kitties can't say we don't agree but dog-guy, well...lets just say he gets more than a fair share of smacky paws here sometimes, too, MOL!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.