
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thoroughly Poetical Thursday

Well, it are Thursday and I are back wif anudder poem.  I had to think for a while - dere are all kindsa I-words out there.  Imaginayshun (an endless supply of bacon), idio-see (da puppies), intolerable (da lack of bacon last weekend), well, ya gets da idea.  But I thought of somefin good.

by Travis Ford

A plus-sized tom or a lil runt
Both have dat natural instinct to hunt
But us three are stuck inside all day
Birdies and mousies don't come to play
But insects we get to chase and catch
Flies are a favorite we luv to snatch
Moths are fun to torture and to kill
Mom duzn't mind when bugs' blood we spill
Feather wands and nip mice can be fun
But killin for real are number one
I gotta go now see ya laters
It's time for cat exterminators!

We don't ackshually get to kill dat many bugs (dey are pretty rare gettin in da house) but we LOVE when we get da chance.  Da only thing dat beats bugs are lizards, I LUV torturing da baby geckos dat sneak in.


  1. I think yours is my favorite i poem this week!

  2. What a great poem. We don't get to hunt many bugs...just the unlucky ones that come inside.

  3. That is one terrific poem. Us inside cats here know all about bugs etc. They are fun to chase and kill. You all are sure looking mighty good.

  4. We give that poem an A+. We absolutely loved it! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  5. Great poem. We love the mild days when TBT leaves the deck door open, we have insects in the house. We have them outside, but somehow its not the same.

  6. What a most pawsome poem Travis!! We sure do miss the Texas lizards!!

    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

    1. We have geckos and anoles here - so much fun to chase!

  7. We love your poem. We gets to go in the garage and we can bring in bugs and Geckos. Mom or dad rescue the baby lizards. Dad usually takes the bugs away and teaches them to swim

    1. Da humans here rescue da lizards too, if dey can get em in time.

  8. What an awesome poem Travis. Is that a new bandana I see? You guys and gal are looking so presentable my friends.


  9. Well I do believe you have hit a new HIGH in poetry writing Travis! Your "I" poem is a beauty and reminds me of just how much I used to LOVE chasing and munching on moths outside. Mom and I used to go for a walk early in the morning when the moths were hanging around the porch light. When they got down to my level I'd grab 'em and eat 'em - they were delish! Good luck hunting.....keeping the bugs out of the house is good and I know you enjoy the occasional gecko-snack.

    Love, Angel Sammy

    Insects what a great word for a poem and everybuddy loves how entertaining they are too
    Hugs madi your bfff

  11. dood !!! Incredabullz eye poem buddy....ya rited a most awesum tribute ta best we haz ever seen ore hurd act shoo a lee !!!!! 984 pawz up ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  12. Great poem! It has a good rhythm to it, and we're all with you on killing flies and moths. We even got a ladybug the other day. But we would leave the baby geckos alone. Too much mess, our Mom says.

  13. Hehehe great poem! We love to chase insects. Oh yes, and lizards too! We just wish they came inside more often...

  14. I like to catch bugs too. But just watch out for stink bugs. They're called that for a reason!

  15. We stalk and hunt bigs too! But there are a few we don't like...ats and stink bugs and those nasty (not)ladybugs...elderbugs are not too delish either...just give us a nice fat and juicy fly, MOL!!
    What a great poem!!

  16. Maybe the moms can bring some bugs in the house for you? BOL! our mom said not a chance butt you can ask!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. Yeah, I think I has a better chance of daily bacon.

  17. Moffs are the BEST! They are big and slow and for somfing that flies they're pretty easy to catch. I don't always eats them though--kinda dry. But I love to kill dem.

  18. OMC pawesome poem Travis!! I wuv to catch a good insect :)

    Matilda (& Matt)


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.