
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Happy Texas Independence Day!

Happy Texas Independence Day!  Apparently, Crockett thought it wuz worth a razzberry.  

I wrote a speshul poem for today . . .

Lone Star Cats by Travis Ford

This trio is called the Lone Star Cats
Keepin da house free of mice and rats
Two gingers and a fluffy lil girl
Wif us, craziness shure will unfurl
Named after Alamo defenders
Us guys are no Texas pretenders
We might not fight at the Alamo
But we will vanquish dat lizard foe
We're proud Texans and that's no lie
And we luv to brag, we ain't shy
Today we honor Texas' day
Hopefully bacon are on da way

Hey, it couldn't hurt to ask, right??


  1. Pawsome poem Travis.
    We hope you celebrate with bacon ;)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. Grreat bandanas! And I know that bacon is the pawper way to celebrate TID!

  3. We are happy that you posted about Texas Independence! I have posted about it in years past, when I posted more. Now here is a quiz, Do you know what March 6 or April 21 are?

    1. Da fall of da Alamo and San Jacinto Day.

      My momma are 7th generayshun Texan, she knows it all, MOL!

  4. Great poem! Hope you got lots of bacon for that!

  5. Grrrrreat Poem. Happy Independence Day, Y'all.

  6. Great poem ! Happy Texas Independence Day ! Purrs

  7. Great poem! Happy Belated Texas Independence Day!

  8. Happy Texas Independence Day! I love love LOVE your poem in honor of the day - thanks for pawticipating in Poetry Day too. Have a good celebration INCLUDING bacon of course - it's definitely called for!

    Love, Angel Sam and Ted

  9. Belated mews to all of you for being Texas kitties and catabrating Texas Day!

    We liked that poem and had a good giggle when you begged fur some bacon...hey a reward for good Texas skills is not wrong, much less for compurrosing such a good poem!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.