
Thursday, February 8, 2018

Thoroughly Poetical Thursday

Momma said I wuz lookin in-tents today.  I don't know what she wuz smokin. I think I are lookin in-chair, not in-tents.

Crockett duz not look in-tents either.

Dis are da photografickal inspurrayshun for today's poem.  Hmmm, let's gettin poetical . . . 

Dere once wuz a pirate named Travis Tabby
His ship was tip-top, not one sail wuz shabby
He sailed da high seas, despite storms and thunder
Lookin for bacon and pork ships to plunder
He schemed for a free dinner, a real plotter
And grabbed dem fishies right outta da water!

Now for some sad mews - and no, it are not dat Angelique are back to being Low Cat on da Totem Pole after yesterdays Womancat Wednesday ridiculousness . . . Our very good pal Freckles passed away earlier this week.  We has been furiends wif him and his family for over 9 years now - way back on Dogster and Catster.

My momma made dis badge since Freckles' growlmy always made badges for his pals.  We luv ya Freckles - and we is sending big hugs and purrs to your family.


  1. Yep, hoomins are so silly, aren't they? Just make no sense sometimes. We are sorry to hear of your furriend's passing.

  2. Hari OM
    Best place to find tip top tuna, the sea... but i am thinking you wouldn't want to be on-ship, never mind in-tents! Sorry for the loss of Freckles. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. That is a great poem. I was sad to too that MJF went to The Bridge.

  4. Your poem made me MOL! And I needed a good laugh today because we are sad too about MJF.

    1. Yeah, I figgered all of us needin cheerin up today.

  5. Love da poem, Travis...

    It are just too sad about Freckles...

  6. What a fabulous poem Pirate Travis! If you run across a bacon or pork ship out there on the high seas, please send them MY way! We are sorry to hear about Mr. Jack Freckles....

    Hugs, Teddy

  7. I am so sorry about MJF, Travis. It is hard on us when loved Pals go on to the Bridge while we are left behind. XX
    Your poem was super! Bacon and Pork ships sailing the high seas just waiting to be plundered by enterprising Purriates!

  8. That was a great poem! BOL! We are very sad about MJF too. He was a good friend!

  9. OMCs what a WONDERFUL poem we love it and mom read it out loud to dad too.
    Bravo Bravo
    Hugs madi your bfff

  10. That was a great poem, Travis, glad the fishies had been saved...or fished...MOL :D Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend :) <3

  11. guyz...yur poem total lee rocks N sew doez yur badge for MJF......two manee dogster/catster palz R leevin for de heavenz & we hope it stopz ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥ we noe freckles mom iz gonna lovez thiz ~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  12. Another great poem, Travis!! We were really sorry to hear about MJF :-(, what a wonderful memorial badge!
    Rosy, Arty & Jakey

  13. I was sad to hear about Mr.JF.
    Love your poem. It's great!

  14. Oh, My! Thanks for making a tribute to my brofur, Angel MJF. I miss that dude, even if I did whap him a lot...even for no reason, MOL!
    Thanks, too for all those kind comments above:)

    That is a swell poem Travis, but be careful, when the sea swell goes up and down you don't want to be swept off the galleon.

    1. Sometimes ya just gotta whap dogs (at least dat's Crockett's MO).


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.