
Saturday, April 28, 2018

Caturday Art

Welcome to anudder late nite edishun of Caturday Art.

We's all gettin our art on tonite.  Ok, well, I are mainly gettin my nip on (and meyowlin bout it A LOT).

And it wuz a Bacon Caturday for us - which means 3 baconatins dis week!  I fink it are some kinda record.

But hey momma, records are made to be broken!

And we is just da cats to help out.

Momma drew anudder cartoon of one of my furiends today - Webster from The Cuddlywumps Cat Chronicles.

If ya'd like to be cartooned by my momma for a Caturday in da future, let us know!


  1. I love your art today - cool canvas effect!

  2. Bacon x3, YUM!
    That is a sweet 'cartoon' of Webster:)
    And interesting art effects, too.

  3. Cool art, you guys! And thanks to your momma for drawing Webster--we love it!! :)

  4. Hey, bacon is your Bast-given right! And nip fits, well, they are definitely meant to be shared, vocally, with the hoomins. How else will they know how much we are enjoying it??

  5. We think every week should have three days of bacon!!
    Great Caturday Art this week!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  6. Cute artwork! You lucked out with the bacon!

  7. Lovely art. It looks like you all were painted on canvas.

  8. Beautiful art! Cute drawing. Love it :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  9. Your mama has been doing lots of cartoons lately! Our mom can't even draw a stick figure with a ruler! Nice artsy pics!

    Just Stopping in to bark hello!

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. Yeah, she's been trying to draw some everyday dis year.

  10. Wow, you got lots of bacon! I really need to stroll over to your house! I don't get any bacon at mine! That drawing of Webster is four paws up from me! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  11. Very cool art...and we love your mom's drawing. She's really talented.

  12. Bacon and nip...🤔I think that's a purrfect combination😎Extra Pawkisses for a Happy Monday🐾😚😻

  13. Love the artwork of your mom. We knew it was Webster😸Extra Pawkiss🐾😚😻


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.