
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Caturday Art

Furst up our Caturday Art. And we is lettin Angelique take da lead - after all, she are da one wif da Frenchy name and it are Ba-Steel Day.

Crockett's art features tongue. Becuz it are Crockett.

And mine features a longing look for bacon. Cuz I luvs bacon.  

And I did get some.

Da mommas has been kinda crazy dis week - da good news are dat Nana (my momma's grandma and Crockett's momma's momma) are gettin better. She are now in a rehab place. 

Da bad news are dat it are a one-star rated place.

Dere are nuffin da mommas can do. It are not dere decishun.

For some reason, da grandparents decided dey did not trust our branch of da family and gave da medical power of attorney to udder people. Dis happened when momma's daddy had brain surgery - talk bout kickin peeps when dey is down.

Us cats wouldn't have done it - let's just look at how da CATS in da two families has faired.

In our family, three cats has died in da last few years - one wuz almost 21 and died in da arms of her favorite purrson (Jezebel).  One wuz 15+ (we don't know his exact age since my momma took him in from being da "apartment complex cat") - he got kidney cancer and after weeks of sub-q's and da vet saying dere wuz no cure, momma decided to have him put to sleep (Charlie). And anudder wuz a 4 year old kitty who tragically got FIP and also had to be put to sleep (Maurice).

Now, for momma's aunt's family - one cat wuz thrown outside in 20 degree freezing rain and not even allowed in da garage (at 17 years old) becuz she had accidents (missin da box by a lil) and died (Pepper). Anudder wuz run over by momma's aunt multiple times and died (I guess once were not enuf) (Patches). And a third wuz thrown outside for being old and killed by a coyote (and momma's cousin seemed more upset about a duck that wuz also killed dan by da death of her orange tabby of over 15 years) (Pumpkin).

All we know it we is GLAD we has our mommas, even if da extended family don't appresheates em. 

And here are momma's Caturday Art drawing - da beeyooteefull Katie Isabella!


  1. I'm so sorry your family is having to go through this. I'm sending lots of purrs to your Nana. I know I'm only a small kitty and can't do much, especially long distance, but I hope it helps.

  2. Hari OM
    Furmilies; can't live with 'em, but we're stuck with 'em... even in otherwise 'together' ones, it is when an elder gets sick that the differences and cracks start to appear. How much more so where there was always discord? I am so sorry that this is happening and your mommas have to experience it. You kitties (and the pups) need to be sure to be extra attentive and Loving to your peeps and make sure they don't get too low from all the troubles. Sending some extra hugs for you to pass on to them, plus a lot of whiskeries, to you. YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Yeah, I has been eggstra affectionate lately - momma thinks I are pickin up on da stress.

  3. Everyone looks awesome today. Angie is elegant as always, that tongue is always the star, and the bacon look is most poignant.

    We're so sorry to hear about the family troubles. And it's no wonder that poor woman ended up in the cheapest place - how you treat the most vulnerable, like cats or dogs, is a huge indicator of how you're going to treat other vulnerable ones, like the elderly. If you need to, you could always contact your state's dept that looks after seniors. Other than that, if you can, just keep a close eye on her in that place. Be the squeaky wheel if you need to. *** we are so incredibly sorry to hear of how the other poor cats were treated. Just horrible. What's wrong with people????

    1. And da crazy thing are dat Medicare would pay for the nicer one - it's no money out of anyone's pocket! Just poor decisions.

  4. So sorry about your grandma. Unbelievable how some families can be, isn't it?

    Your art is lovely as always!

    Sending hugs and purrs to you all xx
    Athena and Marie

  5. We're glad to hear your Nana is getting better despite the family troubles. Oh, and that you kitties got some bacon! Yummy!

  6. We're sorry to hear you're having family troubles ; we hope things are getting better for you soon. Purrs

  7. OH MY CAT and STARS! I'm BEEYOOTEEFUL! Oh, I am meowing to my human three brovvers to look at THIS! I loves it. I making mommy try to copy it and keep. XXXXXX
    The Cougar Ladycat

  8. pee ess: I know of the worry and hardship on the residents of a 1 star nursing home. I haven't had the terror of it but a close family member did. He had me go after them the best I could. They can be despicable in how they mistreat the helpless. And those people who did that to the didn't go unnoticed. I am so sorry you all are going through this.

  9. We're glad your grandma is getting better...but what a sorry state your family is in. We hope everything works out. We love that drawing of Katie.

    1. Yeah, dat branch of da family - well, momma has nuffin good to say bout em.

  10. I'm so-o glad you have the mommas you do. But as fur the extended family, I give them a big frown! Mom and I are afraid the next door neighbors might give up on their kitty of 13 years. Kitty has been peeing outside of the box onto the floor lately. They leave her outside almost all the time now, because of that. We worry what will happen to her when the rains and cold returns.

    That Katie drawing - another artwork treasure by your momma! Purrs.

    1. Yeah, momma used to let da Pepper cat in da garage anyways years and years ago. Despite their wishes.

  11. Family dynamics always include good and bad. We are particularly sorry for the kitties who were treated so poorly. Hopefully, your relative in the one-star facility will not be treated badly, get well quickly and get out of there. Your art looks like "real" paintings. We love your tail, Travis, and are always fans the Crockett tongue. Katie Isabella's portrait is terrific. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

    1. Yeah, I just know who I'd pick to take care of me!

  12. it is so hard when the older loved ones become ill. Sending purrs and prayers. So sorry about all of the pets passing too......on a bright note, your artwork is gorgeous, it's artsy without being overpowering, they still look so realistic!

  13. I am sorry to read about what your family is going through - both Nana and the poor kitties - and am thankful that you three are in good hands. Purrayers for all of you.

  14. You trio of kitties are in the best den you could evfur imagine...and we here are sorry that your Grandma is not in the best of places. Hope she won't need to be there too long.

    Family dynamics can be so frustrating. They for sure have no clue how to treat poor helpless animals, how on earth can they take care of your poor Grandma? Sheesh. Wait till they are the ones in distress...
    Sending purrs and lots of hugs.

    1. Yeah, momma wouldn't trust em to take care of a houseplant. But dey are da ones dat momma's grandparents trust. SIGH.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.