
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sunday Selfies

It are Sunday, so it are selfie day! Today is da 4th annifursary of da Sunday Selfie blog hop! 

Ya know what else are four??? Yeah, da Razzberry King. And da Glamour Girl.

Fanks to da kitties over at The Cat on My Head for hostin every week - we LUV dis hop! Now I are gonna go celebrates wif some chikken livers!!


  1. Pawsome selfies gang!!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. More happy birfdays = more happy bacon, right ?

  3. Happy Birthday you two. And great raspberry. You do that really well. Hope some bacon arrived. Have a good week ahead.

  4. Hooray for your bloggie hop anniversary!

  5. Chicken Livers YUMMMM. On our way!!!

    1. I luv em! I can't believe Crockett and Angie turn up dere noses at em!

  6. Y'all have some mighty fine selfies today. Thanks for acknowledging the 4th anniversary of our hop. And triple thanks for all of you always joining us. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  7. And I'm four too! In fact, I came home to my human at the end of this month, 2014. Nice anniversary selfies!

  8. Happy 4th Birthday to you all, and boy without the glam andchurch tongue the selfies wouldn't be half as much fun!
    Toodle pips and purrs

  9. Replies
    1. Well, dey already had dere birthdays, but dey'll take da happy birthdays anyways. MOL!

  10. You all contributed perfect selfies to the 4th anniversary Selfie blog hop.

  11. Happy birthdays!!! Time to celebrate. Meowgaritas for everyone! (except the tots, they get milk with a nip leaf).

  12. May thee 4th bee with youss' an with Aunty Janet an Kittiess Blue!!! An mee iss 4 yeerss old...4 iss a luvley numburr issn't it Travis an Crockett an Angelique. Yur Selfiess are wunderfull mee furendss.
    ~~~head rubsss~~~Purrince Siddhartha~~~

  13. And I am going to be 14...MOL! That is three times four with some more, tee-hee!
    Lil Dalton is only half of four...


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.