
Saturday, October 6, 2018

Caturday Art

Happy Caturday!

We artsified our photos for ya today!

We had a good Caturday here - da humans wuz yellin bout da football dis morning.

But pig are more important dan pigskin and we wuz happy dat BACON wuz back!

Back in my tummy where it belongs!

It almost makes up for da mommas abandoning us last nite to go see Taylor Swift.

I don't care if she DID have her cats as a backdrop, it still duzn't make up for abandoning us. 

I mean, we had to go like 8 hours wifout food!

Dey are just lucky we survived!


  1. Ugh! I think Blogger ate my comment! Can you check your spam folder?

  2. Aww... sorry you felt abandoned.

    Your art is beautiful as always!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  3. Your artification is fabulishious!
    We love them and that you got bacon...I think our human has forgotten about it. We have not had bacon for WEEKS!
    And my Mom is a tad jealous about Taylor Swift...

  4. We are glad the moms made it back from seeing Tay-Tay!! We bet they had a blast!!

  5. Any day that begins with bacon is a good day. But it was just mean to abandon you ALL DAY!

  6. We love your Caturday art this week. We hope you hacked up a hairball or two cause you were left alone all day.

  7. Nice art and very cool your mommas got to see Taylor Swift.

  8. Nice art this week. And 8 hours without food???? The horror!!!

  9. That is cool art effects. I have to endure that kind of absndonnment far too often when the peeps go to wrk..except they tell me I would not get all the great noms I get...well, if you say so. And last night they both left me to go to a concert, but I do admit it was only for about 4 hours...and not Taylor was a symphony concert, MOL! Dalton at least got to stay outside and dig holes in the yard...MOL!

    Glad you got some bacon!
    Our college football team did well, too...go Blue!

    1. Momma's are heading for a record season - they've never had a winless season before, but dey just might.

  10. Wunderfull artwork mee frendss!! Yore all lookin fine. An you know LadyMummy went upss to thee Farm fore thee day. Mee was worry-ed shee not come back or bring a cat....mee was sorta ups-set when shee came back butt wee made upss now.
    Extra treetss helped ;)
    **purrsss** BellaDharma


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.