
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Frisco Cat Tree from Chewy!

Meow-lo kittehs! Has your human been out Black Friday shoppin??

Yeah, dat are our opinion of havin to stand in lines and battle cray cray crowds to score some deals.

Which are why we are so eggcited about gettin to review dis Frisco Cat Tree from Chewy!

Your human can get it delivered right to your front door - no busy stores or crowded parking lots for them!

Which means more time for petting da cat, which are really what they should be doing . . .

The Frisco 62-inch Cat Tree are a kitty's Christmas wish come true! Whaterfur you feline pleasure - napping, playing, climbing, scratching, you'll be able to do it all in this 62 inch tall, 33 1/2 inch wide, and 31 inch long tree. There's multiple levels, 8 scratching posts (there's sisal AND carpet), a diagonal scratch board, a tunnel to play in, a kitty corner to nap in, dangling toys to bat, and my purrsonal favorite - a crow's nest look out for kittehs who like to get high. More on dat later . . .   

Chewy and da good guys at FedEx delivered dis 50 pound cat tree in a big bix. Which yeah, we had fun sitting on (and in) before da humans got rid of it.  

A couple days before Thanksgiving, da mommas decided to put da tree together.

Crockett and I wuz on hand to snoopervise.

Da Frisco Cat Tree wuz pretty easy to put together. Da pieces wuz all labeled and dey didn't have any problems wif da instuckshuns. One person could do it, but for some steps, it wuz easier to have two peeps.

All da tools are included.

We couldn't wait to get up there and test it out.

And yeah, go ahead and say it, Travis and Crockett sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Nuffin wrong wif brotherly luv. 

Crockett tested out da cat cube right away. And it are da purrfect size for him!

Me, I had higher ambishuns . . . 

King of all I surveys!!!

Da purrfect vantage point.

Our Frisco Cat Tree got moved over by da window so we could have a good view (and so da humans could use da kitchen for cookin).

Da multi-level perches provide lots of good spots to watch Burd TV.

Dude, don't even think about gettin up here. I'm Top Cat.

Just ask me.

We cannot get enuf of dis tree.

I wuz up here all Thanksgiving snoopervisin da cookin.

And look, Crockett's momma put this tree in da purrfect spot - da Captain are always right and I are da captain!!!

Da Frisco Cat Tree are a pawsome spot for sunbathin or regular bathin.

It are also purrfect to hang out while beggin foods. Which are what I had been doin here. Yeah, dat are a turkey coma face. #sorrynotsorry 

But I bet y'all are wondering - what about Angelique? Well, she took a couple days to test out da tree. But she found it and found here way to my crow's nest.

Ok, I guess I can share. After all, Santa Paws might already be watchin. 

Da Frisco Cat Tree are available exclusively at Chewy for only $60 wif free 1-2 day shipping! It are a real steal, since this cat tree are definitely a deluxe model. It (and Chewy) definitely gets 12 paws up and lotsa happy kitty purrs!

Disclaimer: As a #ChewyInfluencer, we wuz provided the Frisco Cat Tree for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Although if Chewy wants to gimme a year's supply of bacon, I are not gonna say no . . . 


  1. WOW! That is an awesome cat tree!

  2. @Summer - We're all really enjoying it!

  3. Ohhhhhhh my Cats! Now that is a cat Tree! So many hidey holes and wonderful feeling carpet. My word you might need a hard hat when jumping to the tippy top.
    Hugs cecilia

  4. What a pawsome Tree!! You all seem to be enjoying it!!! We love your Turkey Coma photo!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. I think my kitty cat cousins, Maddie, Tibie, and Hani have that tree too, or something similar. They love it!

  6. yoW! that is a really nice tree, Travis. it looks sturdy too. that is a good deal for a tree that size. have fun!

    pip, minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto, TL

  7. That is a really great tree with lots of levels to snoopervise from. You did a great job reviewing it too.

  8. You kitties scored with that cat tree. I can't believe it's only $62!

  9. You are such lucky kitties. It looks like Santa already visited you.

  10. @My Mind's Eye - MOL, yeah, we better be careful not to hit da ceiling!

    @The Florida Furkids - We really are.

    @C.L.W.STEP - We luv ours!

    @Cara n Crew - It seems pretty sturdy to us.

    @Memories of Eric and Flynn - Fanks!

    @The Indulged Furries - It are a deal!

    @Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) - We shure did!

    @pilch92 15andmeowing - I know, right??

  11. That is an EPIC tree.....looks a little like the one my Mom and Dad got me from Chewy. GREAT PRICE TOO! I can see that "top spot" will be the most popular spot on the tree - good look keeping it to yourself Travis!

    Hugs, Teddy

  12. @Pam and Teddy - I don't mind sharing some - as long as I get it when I want it!

  13. Wow! Even elderly me is a wee bit envious, MOL! That tree is fab, but its too big for this den...sigh...and I do not climb that much anymore.
    Loved seeing Angelique up there, MOL! And you were singing, huh, Travis?! OMC! Looked like Crockett was way too intrigued by your new tree to show off his tongue:)

  14. @Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs - Yeah, I think he forgot!

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Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.