
Monday, November 26, 2018

Happy Birthday Momma!

Today are my momma's birthday. She are SUPER OLD, like DECADES old.

Anyways, we think she had a good birthday. Dere wuz crabbycakes and crawfish enchiladas (she claims dey wuz too spicy to share, I are not shure I are buying dat one . . . ) and lotsa drinks. And a movie and presents and best of all . . . 

Lotsa pets for us kittehs! Ya know how da humans luv to pet us, so we all made shure to let her pet us. Aren't we generous??

Anyways, here she are. 

See, lotsa.

And we thought ya might wanna see da cake. Even though it did not have a frosting ME like last year. It are still pretty cute (and I are still figgerin out how I can sneak some . . . )

Happy birthday momma!


  1. A big happy birthday to your human!

  2. Happy birthday to your momma! The cake looks too good to eat!

  3. Good to see your momma had a Happy Birthday!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

    Have a wonderful day...and don't furgets to SAHRE that gorgeous, yummy (drooool) CAKE
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. Happy happy birthday! And yes, you are very kind to let her pet you. The spicy.. well... We understand your suspicion but hoomins do eat strange things, so it's possible.

  6. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had an amazing day!

  7. Happy Happy Birthday Lone Star Mom Kimberly!!!
    That cake looks delicious!!!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Happy Birthday to your Momma! We hope you all get bacon to celebrate.

  9. Happy Belated Birthday to your wonderful Momma!

  10. Happy Birthday to Lone Star Mom - and many more !

  11. @Summer - Fanks!

    @Memories of Eric and Flynn - MOL, nuffin are too pretty to eat.

    @Mickey's Musings - Fanks!

    @Julie - Yeah, wif da CAT.

    @The Whiskeratti - Yeah, dey can be weird. But I still woulda tried it.

    @C.L.W.STEP - She did!

    @My Mind's Eye - It are!

    @The Swiss Cats - Fanks!

    @Marie Symeou - Fanks!

    @The Island Cats - No such luck, but we did get some on Sunday.

    @pilch92 15andmeowing - Fanks!

    @Mary McNeil - Fank you!

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your Mom! That cake is amazing.....I know her birthday was great because she has you to help her celebrate.

    Hugs, Teddy

  13. We love your Mama and we are hoping she had a most wonderful birthday! She deserves it!!!! Love that cake! xoxo

  14. @Pam and Teddy - Yup, it had to be pawsome cuz I was there!

    @Caren Gittleman - Fanks!

    @Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs - Fanks!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.