
Monday, January 14, 2019

Monday wif Mancats

It are one of those dreary winter days - cold and barely any sunshine for us to nap in. What's a mancat to do?

A baby razz I guess. Our sister tried to soak up da lil bit of sun we saw by sittin in da window. Good luck wif dat Angelique!


  1. Days without sunshine were made for snoozing.
    Actually, sunny days are better for snoozing :/
    Go get some treats!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. It's minus 10 celcius here! We miss the sun too!

  3. it is dreary here too, Travis. we hope your sunpuddles return soon (and ours :) )

    pip, minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto, TL

  4. When sunspots are few, you should share.

    MOL!!! No seriously, WE wouldn't either...

  5. We had lots of sunshine today...but it was cold. We wish we coulda sent some to you.

  6. Winter sun puddles - and the lack of them - is always an issue, even here in southern California.

  7. We were SUPPOSED to have sun today...Mom had it at work...but we had FOG!
    No sun for us.
    I gotta tell you, that Feliway stuff is working. When Ninja and I are upstairs, I don't feel like whapping him to bits.

  8. Our sun disappeared today too...We have been snuggling on the couch to stay warm!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  9. @Mickey's Musings - Snoozing (and TREATS!) are always a good plan.
    @Hairballs and Hissyfits - Brrr!
    @Cara n Crew - I need some sun to nap in!
    @pilch92 15andmeowing - Fanks!
    @Mark's Mews (Ayla, Iza, and Marley) - MOL, sometimes I share wit Crockett. SOMETIMES.
    @The Island Cats - Maybe it'll come visit us too.
    @Summer - Yeah, momma says winter can be kinda rainy out there (well, compared to other times of da year).
    @Marv - Glad da Feliway are workin for ya!
    @The Gang at LLB - Yeah, we've been snuggling wif da humans.

  10. No sun here either. It doesn't look like Angelique will be sharing the little bit she found either.

  11. No sun = no fun! We had SNOW so that's even WORSE than no sun!

    Hugs, Teddy

  12. Two handsome mancats and one really pretty lady cat. We hope your weather gets better and that you have some sun puddles.

  13. We had plenty of sun yesterday. My kitty cat cousins, Maddie, Tibie, and Hannibal probably had lots of sun puddles. But today we're back to dreary clouds.

  14. I don't know what's up with the sun sometimes, but this time of year it gets pretty iffy and moody, I think. Angelique seems to have plenty of sunshine of her own, though - Tom x

  15. We hate winter cuz mr. sunshine hides so much. Enjoy your tiny sun puddle. big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  16. @Memories of Eric and Flynn - Yeah, she are not big on sharing her favorite spots.
    @Pam and Teddy - At least we haven't had dat.
    @Marg - I'm still waitin on em.
    @C.L.W.STEP - We hasn't had sun in furever!
    @My Mind's Eye - Fanks!
    @Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) - It definitely are stingy in da winter.
    @Fr. Tom Fishworthy - Yeah, she found some.
    @Deziz World - Us too.

  17. Yeah, guys. It is constantly raining and looking horrible out there. No suns.

  18. @Katie Isabella - We're ready for summer!

  19. We could use some good sunny days, too. And warmer ones would be excellent, too:)

  20. @Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs - We're ready for summer!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.