
Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday Selfies

LATE wif our Sunday Selfies post TWICE in a month momma???

Yeah, she went to see Pink last night. And yeah da tornado sirens went off while she wuz at da concert (don't worry, we are all fine - nothing here but rain even if some neighboring suburbs got softball-sized hail).

But we hafta have MONDAY selfies TWICE in a month??? And it only barely still Monday.

The things we put up wif.

Yeah, da momma are lucky all she are getting are a razz.

And ok, it's not quite a selfie. But momma duz have a picture of Pink to share (and by da way, she said da concert wuz very good and very fun). I say we should get extra treats for letting her put this up.

Ok, at least she are in a catsuit. MOL!


  1. Better late than never, and they are still nice selfies!

  2. Lovely selfies. It is Tuesday here so you should have called them Tuesday Selfies and said you were early.
    I am glad your mommas enjoyed the Pink concert.

  3. It wuz worth the wait, those are GREAT selfies!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. Well since Momma works for free you can't fire her so you just have to grin and deal with her schedule
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Great selfies ! It looks like your mom had a blast at the concert ! Purrs

  6. Tornado sirens? How scary! But we're glad your Moms had a good time at the concert. I'm sure you'll be deserving of some extra treats now.

  7. Very nice selfies on a Monday.

  8. Better late than never with those selfies. :) The mom thinks Pink is really cool.

  9. @Summer - Fanks!
    @Memories of Eric and Flynn - MOL, dat are da only way my momma would EVER be early.
    @Julie - Fanks!
    @My Mind's Eye - I guess so. Dere's no replacements lining up anyways.
    @The Swiss Cats - She said she had a lotta fun.
    @C.L.W.STEP - Definitely!
    @pilch92 15andmeowing - Fanks!
    @The Island Cats - My momma has liked her for a LONG time.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.