
Monday, April 1, 2019

An Announcement

Well pals, I has decided to make a major life change. I know it are gonna be tuff, but I know I can count on my bloggin pals to support me. See, I wuz watching dis movie today about da plight of our feathered friends and not wanting to become chikken pies (ok, da movie wuz Chicken Run). And I got to thinkin, I wouldn't want to be a pie either. And den I thought about da pigs, da cute lil delishus pigs like Babe. He probably didn't want to become bacon. And what if Nemo had been found in a fisherman's net?? So I are becomin a vegan. 


Now, bring on da MEATZ™!


  1. MOL!!!
    We saw that one coming!!!!!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. Bwahaha! No bacon???? I knew that had to be an April Fool.

  3. Gosh, you had me there, I nearly FAINTED!!!
    What no BACON?????
    Phew, I is an April Fool alright, hehe
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. I can't imagine you kitties being devoid of bacon!

  5. MOL MOL MOL you got me!! You not eating bacon would be like me laying off chocolate. LOL
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. BOL! I didn't think you could be serious!!

  7. BOL! We knew you were foolin'...n o way would you give up da bacon!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  8. I didn't believe that for a second!

  9. OMC you had me there for a hot minute!!! MOL!

  10. I am glad you are not becoming a vegan being that kitties are obligate carnivores :)

  11. Ya' had us worried fur a half a second Travis. MOL But we know there's no way a Texan could ever be a vegan. big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  12. HAHAHA! No way would a self respecting kitty become a got us with that one.....!

    Hugs, Teddy

  13. That's a funny April Fools. I didn't think you could live without your bacon! Of course kitties can't be vegan, but humans could....not my human (she doesn't like vegetables)....but other humans.

  14. @Mickey's Musings - It wuz a pretty obvious one, MOL!
    @Memories of Eric and Flynn - Of course!
    @Julie - Anyone who'd give up bacon are da real fool!
    @C.L.W.STEP - Da stuff of nightmares!
    @My Mind's Eye - MOL, not gonna happen!
    @Matilda the Boxer - Yeah, me a vegan are a highlarious idea!
    @The Gang at LLB - Yup, I never would!
    @Summer - MOL, cuz you are a smart girl!
    @The Island Cats - Obviously!
    @Cat Chat With Caren and Cody (Caren Gittleman) - MOL!
    @pilch92 - And I am definitely OBLIGATE!
    @Deziz World - Yeah, since BBQ are da nashinual religion.
    @Pam and Teddy - Yeah, can you imagine?
    @The Indulged Furries - My human couldn't do it either. She's cool with whatever people decide to eat themselves, but it are NOT for her.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.