
Friday, January 10, 2020

Adios Christmas!

Long time, no meow.

Ok, maybe it wuzn't really that long. But we're shure you missed us.

Da mommas wuz preoccupado wif taking down all da Christmas decorayshuns.

1 day for the outside decorayshuns, 1 super long day for da tree (it took a total of 24 hours), and another super long day for the rest of the indoor decor. 

It's all put away for now until after Thanksgiving.

I wuz a lil bummed since I LUV my Christmas lights, but momma put up my white twinkle lights and also some flamingo and tiki lights in our room.

So I wuz a happy boy and let her sleep when she finally went to sleep (I think it wuz about 6:30 dis morning).

Bowie never got to really climb the tree - he kept trying. And he only broke one ornament - a basic one nobody cared about. 

I say da mommas should celebrate wif bacon tomorrow. My momma is making shrimp pizza tonite - maybe I can get a shrimpie!


  1. Those were a lot of decorations to put away!

  2. It took a long time to put those decorations up, and almost as long to take them down again.
    I used to know someone who had an artificial tree and after Christmas they used to put it in their spare room still decorated for next Christmas. I think that you would need a spare house for all your lovely decorations!
    I hope you get shrimp!

  3. I get it, we're all missing our Christmas decorations too.

  4. That must have been a lot of work! Your Mom has so many decorations. Hope she gets a break now. And hope you kitties get some bacon or shrimp this weekend!

  5. We're not happy that our decorations are gone. Bacon AND shrimpies sounds good to us.

    The Florida Furkids

  6. I know your Mama does an excellent job of decorating each year, that's why it takes so long to take it all down. I would be sad too. I love that Mama put up lights for you anyway! xoxo

  7. You guys look all tuckered out too! Glad you have some other lights you can enjoy the rest of the year.

  8. I agree, you should have bacon tommorow. Tell your mom I like lights too.

  9. Hope your new white lights and the others do well for your
    'light addiction' Travis! MOL!

    Its bare here too...maybe soon those heart things will brighten up the den a bit.

    Bacon? We hope you got it!

  10. We can see you worked furry hard snoopervising the dismantling of the decorations. We hope you got some shrimps and bacon as a reward.

  11. Oh I hope you got some "compensatory" (big word for me huh?!) shrimpies last night AND will have some bacon this morning too. It eases the pain of losing a tree and lights somewhat!

    Hugs, Teddy

  12. Your holiday decorations were amazing, we're sorry to see them go. Be extra nice to your Mommas and let them rest up! Maybe you can get shrimpies AND bacon!

  13. Indeed all put away for another day!!! And before you know it will be getting out our spring bonnets
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. Oh...shrimpies and bacons? What a treat and if your mamma's do let you have both...tell us!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.