
Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday Fill-Ins

Well, after yesterday's Barf-o-rama (4 or 5 pukies), I only did one barf today and it looked like that wuz becuz I had been sampling the indoor salad bar. Da momma kinda obsesses over me after my tummy problems dis fall, so she's been on High Alert for gacking cats.

Angelique are still in full diva mode. She spent most of tonite curled up by da fire. As opposed to curled up in her bed. Life is good for Angelique. Bowie's trying to figger out new ways to get in trouble. Now that the tree's down, he's having to find new things to knock over. But he's cute and gets away wif everything.

And now for the fill-ins.

1. I could not BE HAPPY without MY CHRISTMAS LIGHTS. Momma has the white twinkle lights up for me now that the multi-colored ones are packed up.
2. A simple pleasure I enjoy is HEAD RUBS.
3. If I could change one thing about myself, I'D HAVE THE ABILITY TO OPEN THE FRIDGE.
4. BACON is hard to find these days. It's been almost a week!


  1. I'm glad your digestive system has calmed down, Travis.

    1. Me too. Momma wuz freaked since I had all those problems this fall.

  2. We hope you're soon your old self again, Travis, no more puking at all, so better you can't open the fridge...MOL😸Pawkisses for a Happy Caturday to all of you🐾😽💞

  3. Travis you better lay off that indoor salad buddy - sounds like it's not agreeing with your tummy!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. I am glad the barfing has stopped. Flynn used to eat from the outdoor salad bar but always made sure he came in to barf it up, and always on the carpet.

    1. AMEN! NO kitty in this house has failed his or her duty in getting to the carpet in time!

  5. Well I sure hope your tummy settles soon. Y'all are an adorable bunch of kitties!

  6. I sure hope your tummy cuts that OUT! It's hard on you and it worries our mommy's. Now, stay away from the salad bar! Or at least don't nom on it.

  7. Oh yes #3 would be be totally pawsome ability for all the furries.
    Dad of Madi would agree about #4.
    Hugs and here's to a barf free day

    1. I would luv to be able to open the fridge - and the pantry too!

  8. You do need to keep away from the salad bar Travis. Those were really good fill-in answers!

  9. It's best to stay away from the indoor salad bar. Substitute BACON!!! Hope your tummy feels better.

    The Florida Furkids

  10. Yep, too much indoor salad bar can make for the barfs! Cute faces let you get away with LOTS!

  11. Glad to hear you kitties are doing OK now!

  12. Hope you're feeling better today, sweetie! We hate when the Christmas lights come down too :(

  13. Sounds like you aren't cut out to eat salad. Probably a good thing.

  14. Hi Travis,
    I've had the pukes too! Mom was worried. Turns out I've been eating too fast. I got her good this morning...I puked on the bathmat and Mom stepped in (in the dark).

  15. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I
    hope you get some bacon soon. XO

  16. We're always on barfy alert here. Mom keeps track on the calendar every time I hack something up so there's a permanent record of my barfies. But it helps her keep track of my health so I guess it's a good thing. I hope your barfies were just a 1-day thing and you get some bacon soon.

  17. We're all worried about the pukies, keep us posted! Y'all look so darling today - have a great week.

  18. Pukes are not fun, are they, but if you nosh on plants, well, are not kitties carnivores??

    Minko used to chew on all kinds of not good things...pica...and I chomp on the plastic shrink wrap if I can find any...lately the peeps here have been hiding the things with that stuff on it, or taking it right off...they are so lame...I like zip lock baggies, too, MOL!
    Yup, I love to have barfing parties, too...the other day all over Pawppy's important papers...tee-hee!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.