
Saturday, March 14, 2020

Caturday Art

So, are anyone else's human going nutso wif dis whole "social-distancing" thing. My momma are. She HATES feeling trapped and since we have storms forecast for the next week, she feels like she's stuck in the house and is going crazy. A lot of the stuff she'd planned on has been cancelled, she's hoping a concert she's been looking forward to for months won't be, but she duzn't know (it's in July).

She has US to keep her company, so I don't know what the problem is. There wuz even bacon today! She should take a lesson from us and just relax.  

She did work on her latest painting a LOT today. But it's still not done, so here's a kitty drawing instead.

Hope your humans are less crazy than mine!


  1. Yep, my human is right there with your human, and so am I! I'm going nuts because I have no cat shows and no therapy cat visits until maybe April. Plus it's raining here too. My human is going to take me to the pet store this week - and she is taking hand sanitizer so if people want to pet me, they can.

    1. It's been raining here too for over a week. AAAAA!

  2. We hope things get "un-crazy" soon too. If there's plenty of bacon, then we will be fine right? Travis no more ribbon and plants OK? Bacon is so much more delishus anyway!

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. These are crazy times and it is making me feel crazy too! We have had to cancel 2 cruises, one in May and one in June so that was something we were looking forward to, but not now. Being in a higher risk group with long standing illness and also age I take precautions.I don't go anywhere without antibac wipes and hand sanitiser.

    1. Bowie's daddy wuz planning on surprising his momma wif a trip to Hawaii for their anniversary. Not anymore.

  4. This is definitely not fun. I hate this feeling of being trapped and helpless too. The worst part is not knowing when it will end. At least with hurricanes, we know when it will arrive and normally life restarts when the power returns.

    1. Momma is hoping that 18 months she's heard isn't true.

  5. All this craziness will pass. In the meantime, relax and eat bacon.

  6. My lovely trio...OMCs do I hear you. Maybe the rain will help momma not miss being outside too much. Here's hoping for healthy times in the near future
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. The rain just makes her more crazy. If it wuz sunny, at least she could ride her bike and go out back and tan.

  7. It is pretty nutty and we don't even have the virus in our town yet, but we'll tend to our peeps, they need us.

  8. Mummy doesn't really mind staying home with US. She says it's better than risking getting sick.
    We agree (mol).

    1. I like all this being home stuff. More time for pets!

  9. My mum has germ phobia and so you can imagine how she feels right now. Plus, she is a born worrier.

    We don't mind being stuck indoors. We're homebodies!

  10. Sorry your momma feels trapped. You need to keep her amused :)

  11. You guys are mama has all of you to keep her company. Hopefully this social distancing stuff won’t last too long.

  12. We are in that same boat too...except petcretary still has to go to her work, three shifts a week...but the nursing home is in a sort of lockdown mode...sigh...

    At least we can still connect to peeps via the germ & virus free internet!

    Hang in there you all!

    1. Yeah, if there wuz no internet, pretty shure momma would be COMPLETELY nuts.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.