
Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sunday Selfies

Hi pals! Well, I still has some sneezies, but momma thinks I are sneezin less today. I'm still eating like a champ, so momma's just keepin an eye on da me, but duzn't think there's any real cause for concern since I seem fine in every other way.

But we didn't let my sneezies keep us from posin for selfies. Or beggin for sossidge since it wuz pizza nite.  

Angelique had to show off her multi-colored toe beans in her selfie. She's always an over-achiever. 


  1. Paws crossed you're past whatever was bothering you, Travis, and you're on your way to being totally well again!

    1. I'm hopin so. Less sneezing today and still nuffin else wrong.

  2. Glad the sneezies are not causing you to feel sick, but hope they will still go away!

    You all are looking wonderful! Hope you had more sun than we did...its been pouring buckets around here, and we may need an ark soon...

    1. We had sun today - so nice after all the rain yesterday!

  3. Never EVER miss a chance for a sossidge!!!

  4. I love your lime green bandannas
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. You all look wonderful and I hope those sneezies go away soon!

  6. Very nice selfies! We hope you stop sneezing, Travis.

  7. Cute selfies. Mmmm, sausage. I had a bite of turkey yesterday, which is unusual for me. It was yummy.

  8. I am glad those sneezies haven't affected your appetite! We have high pollen count here, maybe some is sneaking indoors and causing your sneezies.

  9. You all look very sweet in your Selfies today, kitties. Here comes a Healing Pawkiss for all of you to get rid of the sneezies🐾😽💞


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.