
Saturday, August 1, 2020

Caturday Art

I hope you had a good Caturday. Ours wuz pretty good since we got some bacon this morning!

We tried to get some peach pie tonite, but all momma gave us wuz a lick of ice cream. It are not fair - I mean me and Bowie are peach-colored!

Momma did a kitty drawing for da Caturday Art today.

Have a good weekend and make shure to get lotsa treats!


  1. That's a lovely kitty drawing - and you're right. You SHOULD have received some Peach Pie! But ice cream's not bad either.

  2. Bacon and ice cream is good! That is a cute drawing.

  3. You kitties did quite well with bacon and ice cream ;)
    WE are not sure about peach pie though. That may be something humans like.Bacon pie sounds better ;)
    Purrs, Georgia and Julie

  4. Bacon and ice cream???? You certainly are getting some great treats......I hope you got sossidge and chicken yesterday. Nice to have people wait on us isn't it?!

    Hugs, teddy

  5. Peach would go good with bacon and ice cream. Y'll look fabulous and so does that art.

  6. Your Mom is talented plus she has 3 excellent models
    Hugs cecilia

  7. You look lovely and the art is always amazing!

  8. That is a cute and floofy kitty your Momma drew!

    And I wish I could get some ice cream...but its no longer in our den...sometimes I get to taste the yogurt though:)

  9. I knew you guys would get some bacon!

  10. Was it peach ice cream. Axing for a friend.

    1. Nope, vanilla. But since it went on the peach pie, it had some peachiness.

  11. Very nice drawing. And Yay for bacon!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.