
Monday, August 10, 2020

Mewsic Monday


Well, we made it through another Monday.

It wuz a pretty good day for da three of us - we had sunspots, treats, head rubs . . . if only we had some bacon or somefin to go wif it.

2020 continues to be a giant mess of a year, so we're continuing wif our 2020 tunes for Mewsic Monday. There's gotta be somefin good, right?? 


  1. SOSSIDGE? I never get that....! Head rubs I get but somehow they don't fill my tummy very well.

    Hugs, Teddy

    1. I LUV a good hard head rub, but yeah, sossidge does more for da belly.

  2. LSC,

    I survived another Monday, too. Bacon makes everything better except maybe your waistline, no? lol I love the smell of bacon frying but I'm nearly crazy about it as I once was. I prefer sausage to bacon. Mewsic is just about the only thing right with 2020. We'll just chillax with the tunes until this mess blows over. I sense change is coming, hopefully it's change for the better. Thanks for sharing this dance with me, little furriends. Have a pawwwesome, boogietastic week!

  3. No bacon?!?! That's were fun tunes sweet friends!

  4. we gotta listen ta godzilla when de gurl getz ta a dee vize with sound :) ☺☺♥3

  5. We cannot wait for 2020 to be over! We can't believe we never heard that Eminem song!

    1. Well, it is pretty new, so ya've got an excuse. ;)

  6. Thanks for sharing these wonderful tunes with us. It sounds like a good day of sunspots and treats. These photos of you all are just too cute. Have a fun rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  7. Nice choices. The last one is new to me.

  8. We love music but are partial to classical

    1. Bowie's dad likes classical a lot. My momma only really likes Swan Lake, the Nutcracker, and Fantasia. MOL!

  9. Two big keepers here. Eminen and Green Day. Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!! Very enjoyable set.

  10. Mmmmmm...bacon! Although, I have to admit I'm with Cathy - love the smell of frying bacon, but am only able to eat a slice or two - my oldest kid LOVES bacon, and could eat it non stop if I allowed it... ;) Loved all your song choices! Thanks for the dance!

    1. Momma had a friend in high school who wuz bacon-obsessed. He ate so much one time he got sick.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.