
Monday, September 7, 2020

Happy Labor Day!


Happy Labor Day pals!

So apparently this whole Labor Day thing has to do wif the labor movement and workers. We're just glad the only work the three of us have to do is posing for treats!

Momma had wanted to do a playlist of some of Grandpa's favorite songs since it wuz his birthday yesterday, but he wuzn't cooperative in telling her more than 2 songs. 🙄 Well, since Labor Day are today, we've got a work-themed playlist today. Apparently work involves a lil bit more than looking cute and eating Temptations. Kinley will have some more Labor Day songs for ya.

P.S. Some of you might remember a few weeks ago that we wrote about my momma's grandparents having COVID. Well, today it are my momma's grandma's birthday (she are 91!), so my momma called her (and actually got through!) Both her and momma's grandpa are doing fine and were asymptomatic the whole time. So, some good news we forgot to share. 


  1. That is great news about your human's grandparents!

    1. Yeah, my momma wuz cautious about saying anything becuz she didn't wanna jinx it, but they were totally asymptomatic. We're really lucky.

  2. I hope you all had a good Labor Day. I am glad the grandparents are doing good.

  3. Happy Bday to Mom's Dad and a most happy 91 to Grandma and I'm so glad she and grandpa are recovering from the nasty C19.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. I hope you had a great Labor Day sweet ones! Happy Birthday to your Grandma from all of us and we're so glad the Covid thing didn't hurt them.

  5. That's great news about your mom's Grandparents. Happy Birthday to Grandpa and Grandma!

  6. Wonderful news ! Happy Labor Day ! Purrs

  7. LSC,

    Happy belated Birthday wishes to Grandpa! Your Labor Day themed song set is furtastic! Donna Summers "She Works Hard For The Money" was a sensational hit in its day. WOW, where does time go? Right out the window, right? Thanks for joining us on the 4M dance floor. Y'all stay safe, be well, and have a boogietastic week!

  8. We hope you all had a fun time celebrating Labor Day. We know that you work hard for your treats with all the photos taken of you all. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
    World of Animals at South Philadelphia

  9. That's pawsome news about your momma's grandparents!!! Great song choices too!

  10. Nice songs. I am glad your grandparents are OK.

  11. I hope you didn't have to labor on Labor Day - AND I hope you celebrated with some bacon.....! Glad to hear your Mom's parents are OK - good news is a wonderful thing these days.

    Hugs, Teddy

  12. glad to hear the grandparents are good! Happy Labor Day! Hope you got bacon!!

  13. Wonderful news! And thanks for reminding us what Labor Day is all about.

    1. Funny story about that - when momma wuz in 3rd grade, da teacher asked if anyone knew what "labor" wuz. One boy responded it wuz when women are having babies. Momma thinks of Everett every Labor Day.

  14. No work at all to listen to some of these classics like "Works Hard for the Money" and "Take this Job" and "Working for the Man". Even Brooks and Dunn - as for Rihanna, I'll just say again, glad the grandparents are OK. Have a good week!

  15. It really was a labor day hare as petcretary had to work...oh well, it helps her get the things us furryones need/want.

    Happy Birthday to the Grandma! So happy htey are doing very well.
    We had a asymptomatic resident in our building too. She came back to our place after two weeks pf quarantine, elsewhere, she's fine too, even in her state of fragility.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.