
Monday, September 14, 2020

Mewsic Monday

Well, we had a pretty chill Monday here.

Ok, we're cats. We're pretty much always chill unless it's time for zoomies. Or ripping open packages cuz they has nip toys inside . . . 

Well, it's Mewsic Monday and the theme this week are songs about/inspired by art in honor of National Coloring Day. Da momma likes to paint - she says her next painting are even gonna have a kitty!

Supposedly it's about a painting Julian Lennon did as a lil kid and not LSD. Hmmm, it could be both!

A classic, if a bit obvious, choice.

But didn't Michelangelo paint a ceiling?

Hmm, I think I'd rather be in luv wif a bowl of tuna than a painting.

It's like a song for 2020, MOL.

My momma's seen Lady Gaga twice. Her concerts are really good, if we're ever allowed to have concerts again . . . 


  1. LSC,

    You brought some nice tunes to the dance floor. I've really enjoyed how those who thought about this week theme along the line as you. "Lucy In The Sky" is an oldie but goodie that I liked from the beginning. It was great tuning into the new-to-me tune, "Michelangelo Sky". Thanks for joining the party, little furriend. Have a boogietastic week! ;)

  2. We enjoyed your tunes, those were fun ones!

  3. guyz....itz chill heer now two N thatz aye oh kay with uz !!!

    de food gurl haz knot been two a concert in YEERZ... grate toon choizez two day !! ☺☺♥♥

    1. Momma thinks it'll be YEERZ before she gets to go again.

  4. Good job remembering the story behind "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"! Great set here!

  5. Nice choices. I couldn't think of any.

  6. Wow! Your Mom sure finds a lot of good music!

    1. She likes music a lot. And has been listening more this year than ever since there's not much on TV.

  7. Our Symphony concert subscription was cancelled, too...and we missed two that we had tickets for...and this season is out the window as well...sigh:(
    You always find interesting tunes!

    1. That stinks. Of course, there's not much about COVID that doesn't.

  8. Maybe Dad is showing his age but he likes The Stones the best. Maybe his darker wilder side

    1. Hey, my momma's pretty young(ish) and she luvs it. Probably becuz she's pretty dark.

  9. Paint It, Black and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds are old favorites from my growing up years. Madonna's Masterpiece has some nice lyrics. Lady Gaga is a very talented performer. Alas, I think it's going to be a while before we have any concerts, at least where I live.

  10. Looking good guys!Yes, its been a while since wes stopped by! Wes losted all of our furrends when wes losted assess to our email and that meant our blog too and then our confuser died! But we finded yous!
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.