
Friday, October 9, 2020

Flower Friday

Well things have been going pretty good for us kitties around here. 

Da humans? Well, let's just say we're all avoiding Bowie's daddy since he are in da middle of doing taxes. Best to stay outta his way. And my momma are still going nuts about all dis COVID stuffs - she just found out somefin she wuz thinking of doing is now not gonna happen becuz of COVID. Ugh. 

So Angelique decided to cheer her up wif a razz. Ok, she's no Crockett, but it are a pretty good razz.

Today we decided to rock Meowloween bandanas again since momma LUVS Halloween. Even if it are gonna be kinda weird this year. 

Isn't everything kinda weird this year? 

It's been a while since we did a Flower Friday. But our flowers are still blooming (hey, it's still in the 80s and 90s here).

Have a pawsome weekend!


  1. That is a good razz, Angelique. I feel the same way about Covid too.

  2. Y'all look wonderful and those flowers are so pretty. Yep, that Covid sure is messing things up.

  3. We agree. things are really weird. Your bandanas are super!!

    The Florida Furkids

  4. Covid is just a huge pain in the you know where....phooey:(

    You still have loads of gorgeous blooms to cheer us all up:)
    And of course you kitties cheer us up all the time!!

  5. Angelique did a pretty good razz. Your house sounds a lot like ours, but in reverse. Mom was doing a quick check of their tax stuff too...making sure everything is in order before the end of the year. And Dad put out the Halloween decorations. I don't know if we're going to have trick-or-treaters or give out candy. Lots of little germies coming to the door doesn't sound like a great idea. But we enjoy seeing all the little kiddos in their costumes. And it's the one day of the year when they get to go around collecting candy. How fun is that!

    1. We'll be handing out candy - we just don't know if anyone will come.

  6. Beautiful blooms. And you all look great.

  7. Oh pretty flowers!! Love the 'Ween bandanas and that razz from Angelique is EPIC. Covid has changed EVERYTHING including Halloween. I'll kinda miss seeing the kiddies in their costumes this year for trick or treat. Covid made everything a very nasty TRICK!

    Hugs, Teddy

  8. Those are some pretty flowers you kitties have. My Jessy human (sibling #3 of 4) loves Halloween too, and goes all out on costumes and decorations.

    1. My momma just luvs it - she's bummed there's so lil to do this year!

  9. Wow those are some great blooms! We used to stay away from Dad at Tax Time but now he is retired he says it is a "No Brainer." Dad you said it, not us

  10. guyz...thanx for sharin de flowerz fotoz...round heer we iz lookin at dirt !!! well, that N bout 492,093,188 fallen leevez :) ♥♥☺☺

  11. Wow! Those are some beautimous flowers! We have a couple of flowers still around here, but none as colorful as those!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.