
Sunday, November 21, 2021

Sunday Selfie


Well, apparently Travelin Travis are set to make a return since momma are packing AGAIN. Didn't we just do a road trip?? Anyways, she has been packin and she said I better not hide for too long dis time since I might miss out on turkey if I did. Hmm, I bet da smell of da burd will get me out and about. 


  1. Turkey aromas are very tantalizing, Travis, Mmmm!

    We have to wait till the next day to sniff ours, though, since **she** has to work on Thanksgiving...but we will enjoy ours when we do get it! And all of us will sit together at the same table...though us pups will be under it...LOL! We are not allowed to get up there...even though we did see Pipo there once in a while...

    1. Forgot the notify button...the thoughts of turkey was too distracting!

  2. Lucky you, Travis! Home for the holidays!

  3. Hope you get lots of turkey on your visit!

  4. Happy trails Travis! Sorry about dem Cowboys, it was too sad seeing them lose against them Chiefs.

  5. See, I know you'd be a traveling pro Travis!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.