
Saturday, April 2, 2022

Caturday Art


So it are finally da weekend - YAY! So finally, momma are not going off to blah blah about da dormant commerce clause or something equally exciting. MOL!

Instead she made BACON! I'll be an expert witness on dat one, I are qualified by experience and it wuz DELISHUS. Whaddya mean I has it all wrong momma?? I'm pretty shure my testimoneys would be helpful to any jury.

Here's our Caturday Art for today.

Have a pawsome Caturday!


  1. That a cute kitty artwork...Travis we think you give your Momma lots to think about and draw! That must be how you pay for the bacon:)

    We had ham here today...a rarity, but sometimes the peeps here like to go off their normal routines, LOL! We got none...though we got a wee bit of the cheese used in the recipe.

  2. Travis, that art is pawsome. But with YOU for inspurration, that's no wonder!

  3. Great art! I don't eat bacon - I'm a chicken fan!

  4. Good to know you got your bacon, Travis! Cute art.

  5. Sounds like your Caturday was purrfect, Travis!

  6. Bacon is a win fur sure Travis and the art is very cute!

  7. Cutest artwork as always, oh and bacon...YeeHaw😸🐾😽💞


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.