
Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter!


Happy Easter pals! Well, I had a relaxin day - for some reason, my momma and grandma went out to brunch, so I didn't get to beg any bacon or anything good. They also went to go look at rodents and didn't bring me or da terriers. Again, it makes NO sense. Kinley are gonna have somefin to say about dat one . . . But I did get some whipped cream tonite, so it wuz a tasty Easter for me. And I got LOTSA attenshuns, which I luvs! Happy Easter pals!


  1. The least the humans could have done was gotten some bacon especially for you! Oh well.

  2. Well don't you look Handsome today, Happy Easter xoxo Little Miss Titch

  3. Well, whipped cream is always a good thing and I'm glad you had a nice Easter!

  4. Happy Belated Easter! Sorry you got left out of the fun and foodable tidbits.

    I am all behind...not from accidental reasons nor illness, just too much busy! So now I am just starting at the newest post...sorry I missed so many...

  5. What, no kitty bag for you? That's just so Wrong!

  6. Glad you had a nice Easter even if you didn't get bacon. XO

  7. Look at rodents??? What's that all about?

  8. happee bee lated easturr guyz....hope yur day waz HAM filled and BURD free ;) ♥♥


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.