
Saturday, January 7, 2023

Caturday Art


Hey pals.

Well, da mommas has been busy undecorating.

It are pretty boring.

I mean, yeah, there were some boxes involved, but they wuz full of stuff!!

Bowie's sad about no more ornaments to whack.

And I'm sad about the severe lack of Christmas lights.

But at least today we all got some good play time in wif da feather wands.

And lotsa treats.

Bonham says he could use some more treats.

And hey, while we're talking about treats . . . 

I heard there are chikken cooking!!

Here's da momma's Caturday Art.

Have a good weekend pals!


  1. Everything looks so bare when the decorations come down. At least there is chicken!

    1. Yeah, it really does make everything look bare and sad.

  2. Well, at least there are still treats, which goes a long way in compensating for the undecorating!

  3. Ooooooooooooo! You cats are looking mighty fine!!!
    Purrs there will be chicken for you too ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  4. Y'all look so adorable and so does the art!

  5. Ats all forlorn looking here, too...all the pretty stuff went into hiding we think! No clue why, though...petcretary said something about till the next holiday season starts up...sheesh, we don't know if we can wait that long, BOL!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.