
Saturday, July 8, 2023

Caturday Art

Hey pals!

Well, it has been fun gettin to hang wif everybody again.

And it's good I got to come back.

I mean, otherwise, Angelique might start thinking she runs da place!


She says, she doesn't think it, she knows it.

Well, I'll leave it to da three of dem to decide who Top Cat™are when I'm not around.

I don't think Bonham are interested in da posishun, MOL.

Oh, here's da momma's Caturday art.


  1. You all look very adorable! Always happy to see you all hanging out together! Love the Caturday art!

  2. We are happy to see you all together again!

  3. We're glad you got to visit everyone! Don't worry, we think they will always really know who is in charge.

  4. It sounds like you kitties are having a good time. We know what you mean by being top cat, or top doggie. Rosie and Baby are constantly arguing about who's top doggie!

  5. Replies
    1. If only I could mesmerize my momma into making more bacon.

  6. We love seeing when the band is back together!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.