
Sunday, April 7, 2024

I'm 11!

Yup, it's my birthday! I'm 11 and I got some new toys to celebrate.

A piece of catnip pizza from Grandma! Hope it has extra anchovies and sossidge!

And a nippy whale from momma.

I also got some cat treats from momma. And there's more presents that are in da mail - I should be getting those tomorrow.

I even got bacon for brunch. Uh oh, looks like my bowl are empty!


  1. Happy birthday, Travis! Looks like you got some great presents.

  2. Happy Birthday #11, Travis!! How the time does fly!
    May you enjoy lots of bacon, and many more birthdays, too!

  3. Wow, that is more presents than I get. But I do get free books so that makes up for it a bit. But never bacon. Talking of which, I wonder where your bacon went..... maybe best check your canine pal's blog 😉
    Happy 11th!

  4. Happy birthday, Travis! Sounds like you had a great celebration!

  5. Happy Birthday Travis. It sounds like you had a great birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday, Travis! It looks like you had a great one!

  7. Sorry I'm so late Travis. Happy Birthday from all of us!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.