
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Abandoned! And a Birthday!

Da mommas abandoned us!  Ok, we wuzn't really abandoned, Ally and Grandpa/Dad (he are my grandpa and Crockett's dad) wuz here to take care of us while da mommas went to go see some family members.  I made sure to get a lot of tummy rubs in. 

And we both snoozed a lot.

Today it wuz my momma's birthday - she are super old!  She are 28!  Poor momma, she gots a cold so she wuz sick on her birthday.

Happy birthday momma!  Fanks for choosin dose crabby cakes eggs benedict for breakfast, dat crab wuz tasty!


  1. Woohoo ! Happy Birthday to your mom ! Purrs

  2. Happy Birthday to your Momma, Travis! And get well, sheesh, that's no fun being unwell on a spawsial day like that.
    Wow 28!! Meowmy recently was more than double that, MOL!!

    Happy Thanksgiving, too!

    Purrs to all!

  3. Happy birthday to your human - my human thought she was old when she was 28... and that was a long time ago, ha! And happy Thanksgiving to you all too!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday! An it's sure a good thing yu kitty cats warn't 'bandoned. Yikes! Yu probly wudda starved an junk.

    Happy Thanksgivin to yu today!

    1. Yeah, specially since we get to starvin if we goes 2 hours wifout foodz.

      Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. My mom can't even remember when she was 28, BOL! Your momma looks pawsome and we hope see feels better and can enjoy her birthday. Happy Birthday, Momma!

  6. Well I am glad you weren't really abandoned!! Happy Birthday to the mom person and Happy Thanksgiving too :) xx

  7. Aaaaw Travis yous mommy's so bootyful. Happy belated Meowday to hers.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  8. Happy Belated Birthday to your Momma! Hope she had a wonderful day!
    Marty and the Gang

  9. Happy Belated Birthday to your pretty Mama ,Travis :)
    Compared to your Mom, our Mom is ancient ;) heehee
    Hope she feels better. Maybe that lovely present will help ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  10. We hope your Momma had a fab birthday AND that her cold goes away ASAP! I hope your turkey was cooked to purrrrrfection and you boys got plenty to eat???

    Hugs, Sammy

  11. Your human is just a super young thing. Our mommy says she doesn't even remember being that young. We all wish her a belated happy, happy birthday. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. Happy Belated Birthday to your Momma...we hope she had an awesome B-Day and we wish her a wonderful year ahead filled with all good things!

    1. Fanks Clooney!

      Now she can say dat da handsome silver-haired Mr. Clooney wished her happy birthday, MOL!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.