
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Turkey Day!

Happy Turkey Day y'all!  Me and Crockett tried to steal da burd dis mornin, before it got put in da oven.  But we gots caught on da counter.  So no burd so far, but we is plannin on snaggin some when da peeps eat.

I had some fun wif my momma - she was callin me and tryin to get me to come and I just kept hidin from her.  Da peeps eventually found me, I wuz sleepin all cozy in da middle of grandma's fabric stash.  Momma, don't bother wakin me up till da burd are ready.

Besides bacon, pork, crab, chikken, turkey, beefs, shrimps, well, ya gets da idea . . . we is also very thankful for all our friends in Blogville.  We knows kitties and pups all over da world and we is very thankful to have y'all as pals.  Hope y'all have a pawsome Thanksgiving or just a pawsome Thursday if you's not Americats.  We luvs all y'all and wish lotsa bacony goodness into dis next year for ya.


  1. Happy bird-eating Thanksgiving to all of you! :)

  2. Happy Fanksgivin' Travis and Crocket and to yous peeps too. Weez got a turkey too. Well weez haven't had any yet, cus hims not dun cookin', but like yous weez plannin' to hav ow fill when hims duz get dun. :) hope yous handsum boys hav a gweat day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  3. Oh we sure wish all of you a great Thanksgiving. We sure are wishing you such a good thanksgiving and we just know you got some nice turkey. You all take care. We are very thankful to have you as friends.

  4. Did ya get some bird?? Happy Thanksgiving!

    Your pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. Hope you get to try the Turkey !
    Happy Thanksgiving to you too :)


  6. Happy Thanksturking to you too Travis and Crockett...hope that foodables comes your way quick smart..we are thankful for your sweet faces coming up on our interputerwebbernuts :) much loves Fozziemum and gang xxx

  7. Happy Thanksgivin to yu kitty cats. Shur hope yu snagged sum o' the burd an uther goodies!

  8. Hope you boys got some COOKED turkey today :) We are thankful that you are our friends :)
    Marty and the Gang

  9. Happy Thanksgiving kitties! We hope you got lots of that bird!

    Braeden, Seth and Riley

  10. Happy Thanksgiving to the cutest orange boys and your family!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  11. Happy Thanksgiving Crockett and Travis and your mommas of course. A big gobble, gobble at everyone.


  12. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you got your turkey.

  13. Crikey Travis and Crockett ..... we love you too!! That sure is a cosy lookin' hidy place you got there Travis. I hope you two and all of your wonderful Family have a really terrific Thanksgiving day. I'm sure there will be plenty of cooked turkey for you two.

  14. We hope you're having a Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Happy Thanksgiving! My human just got home and we all got some turkey!

  16. We love all of you too and are happy that it appears that you had a meowvelous Thanksgiving! Your meal sounded purrfect!!!

  17. Hope you kittehz (and humans) had a great Thanksgiving. We're so thankful for all you furriends, too. Hope you finally snagged a bite of that bird!

  18. Woohoo you boys had a fine first Turkey day
    You look quite comfy with the fabrics
    Hugs madi your bfff

  19. Are your peeps off shopping today, boys? I'm getting ready to hit the road myself, while the hubby stays home and naps with the cats. Win-win!

  20. OMC...that looks like such a comfy place for a nap, in among all the soft fabrics! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  21. What a cozy spot you have to snooze in while you wait for the turkey to get cooked. I hope both of you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

  22. We hope both you two cutiepies had a great Thanksgiving and that the humans slipped you both a leg of turkey :)

    We are happy to make new friends with you too :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  23. Too bad on not grabbing that bird. The good thing is, there's always next year! Purrs...

    1. Yeah, I are gonna have to work on weight liftin - dat thing are heavy!

  24. Hope you got some turkey, YUMMY!

    Happy Thanksgiving, a day late!

    We are thankfur that we know you here and can blog along with you and so many others.

  25. Oh, I'm so hoping for a bacon filled year too :0) I hope you guys all had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday!

    1. Fanks! A bacon-filled year - dat would be delishus!

  26. You dudes slept through dinner!! But me and Whitley were on the job...hee hee...

    Luckily for you cats, ya gots yer turkey later...

  27. Happy belated Thanksgiving ! We hope you had a wonderful day ! Purrs

  28. We sure do hope you guys had a pawesomely wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!!!

  29. Happy belated Thanksgiving. We too are thankful for all our furiends in the blogosphere. Mom says they are the most loving and generous folks she's ever met. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.