
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Caturday Art

For dis week's Caturday Art, we played around wif some effects on LunaPic. Dis one is kinda cool - it almost makes me look like a long-haired kitteh.

Not dat Angelique needs any help there.

And Crockett looks like a lil tiger.

But seriously, da humans went to da movies dis week and while day wuz there, dey saw a preview for da live ackshun Lion King and dey had one thought when they saw Baby Simba.

Crockett! Ok, I'll admit it, da resemblance are pretty close. 

Myself, I'm more a mountain lion - prowling up high on my cat tower, lookin for bacon to hunt.

Angelique can look as dismissive as she likes, but it are true!

I are a fearsome predator - just ask dose bacon bits!

In udder news, da momma finally finished dismantling da Catmas tree - it took my momma and Crockett's momma both working for about 15 hours straight to get it done.

Yeah, dey wuz kinda eggzausted after all of dat. 

But at least dey managed Caturday morning bacon today!

So as long as we have da necessities of life . . . 

It are VERY cold here today, so for my momma's Caturday Art, she drew a bundled up kitteh. I think I'll just stay inside where it's safe and warm!

Happy Caturday!


  1. Wow! That art stuff makes you all look like some pretty fierce tigers with lots of stripes! Glad you got some bacon today.

  2. Meow meow yore art iss speck-tackulur Travis an Crockett an Angelique! An boyss you both DO look like long furred tygurrss fore sure!
    Angelique you look like a ree-gal queen...
    It tooked 15 hours to diss-matell THE tree?? That iss a supurr long time! Thanx to Sky Cat fore you all gettin bacon!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma

  3. Beautiful art. I am still working on taking the decorations down. :)

  4. WOW! Your Caturday art is FABULISHIOUS! And I do think you make a great Puma/Mountain Lion! We could go hunting the wild bacon together!
    Alas...we have NOT had bacon around here lately. My human brother is working out of the country and Mom says there is no way that she could eat a package of bacon...Ninja and I KNOW we could though.
    Con cats on getting the Christmas tree down!


  5. Very nice art and great drawing. Every dear when Pop undecorates, he forgets at least one thing. This year TW knew he was gonna forget a big talking Hallmark Santa and he did.

  6. Wow, some of those were actually scary! But good on all of them...

  7. I love these arty effects! And I am not surprised it took the humans so long to take down the tree - I saw all the ornaments that were on there!

  8. @C.L.W.STEP - Of course we is fierce tigers. Just ask Kinley, MOL!
    @Sherri-Ellen T-D. - 15 hours wif TWO people workin nonstop.
    @pilch92 15andmeowing - Momma hates doing it, she says it are depressing.
    @Marv - Tell her she could always keep da leftovers in da fridge. Hint hint.
    @Cathy Keisha - Dere's still a big light up Santa face in the kitchen. Oops.
    @Mark's Mews (Ayla, Iza, and Marley) - Yeah, well, we is ferocious, MOL.
    @Summer - Yeah, and pretty much each one has a special box.

  9. Great artsy stuff - you all look fierce and furry! Love that photo of Baby Simba and there is a distinct similarity to Crockett BUTTT I wonder if Baby Simba ever got to have bacon like Crockett does??????

    Happy Sunday
    Hugs, Teddy

  10. Wonderful art ! We love the effects ! Purrs

  11. You all look so gorgeous and your mom's art is amazing as always!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  12. Great art from all of you including your mom. Baby Simba is cute, but not as cute as you guys.

  13. Well done to the Caturday Artist in residence..but then she had excellent subjects.
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. Long-haired Luna-pic beauty!!! We think that's really cool, growing long hair through Lunapic. Cold here too. Happy Sunday!

  15. I LOVE that Luna Pic work! ALL of you look super! And going hun ting for wild bacons! WHY in the wide world didn't *I* think of that!? I will fit myself out on a heavy extra furs coat, for a hunt tomorrow. I have many hours to, um, well...bring home the bacon--- so I will start out early and just duit!

  16. You are very certainly a fierce predator! We feel bad for those bacon bits.

  17. Love the art pics!!!
    We also love the regular pics of you pawsome kitties :)
    You all look so happy.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  18. You all look amazing...artsy and otherwise! A live action Lion King??? OMC, I didn't know this!

  19. @Pam and Teddy - I dunno, but if I wuz Pumbaa, I'd watch out.
    @The Swiss Cats - Fanks!
    @Marie Symeou - Fank you!
    @Memories of Eric and Flynn - Awww, fanks!
    @My Mind's Eye - Fank you!
    @Peaches and Paprika - Yeah, it wuz fun to see me wif long furs!
    @Katie Isabella - I'm still lookin for da wild bacon here.
    @Lola The Rescued Cat - MOL!
    @Mickey's Musings - Fanks!
    @Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) - Yup, coming in July!

  20. Great art from everypawdy Travis. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  21. Long furs and big whiskers!! Love those art effects! Tigers all of you...and well a wee Simba, too:)
    You know; for the Aww effect!

  22. @Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs - Yeah, Simba are pretty awwww-worthy.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.