
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sunday Selfies

Crockett thinks dere nuffin like a Sunday razz for his selfie.

I decided to focus on my pink lil nose for mine. Maybe if I stick dis lil nose on momma, she'll be convinced to gimme some extra treats.

And Angelique went for da big eyed look. Me and her have decided we LUV da backs of recliners lately - it are usually where you can find us. Crockett seems to prefur laps - I think dat one are WEIRD. I guess somebody has to be a lap cat, just as long as it's not me.


  1. We don't have too many lap cats here oddly enough.

    Harvey likes a cuddle before night time naps though.

    The Dash Kitten Crew

  2. We think you and Crockett are the CUTEST BOYS ever! (Well, except for me) and Angelique is soooooo beautiful. You should ALL get extra treats (and did you know on reddit they call a little tongue poking out a "blep" ;-)

  3. Every selfie a winner, this week, for sure. Now as to feline placement, I have to say I go where the food is. So if the mouse is under the chair, I head there. Under the sideboard then I will be found staking that out from underneath, if I can MOL
    Anyways, good luck on the treats, my money is on Angelique and those lovely eyes of hers scoring first
    Toodle pips and purrs

  4. All three Selfies are always💗Hope you get a lot of extra treats for that🐾😽💞

  5. @M Dawson - Crockett luvs laps. Angelique likes em. Me, NEVER. I do like sitting next to people and getting next to my momma in bed, but not on da lap.
    @Spitty-the-Kitty - Yup, Crockett are da king of da blep. And if we rank up wif you, dat are quite da compliment!
    @Erin the Cat - Dat are why I LUV hanging out in da kitchen.
    @Little Binky and Granny - Fanks!
    @Summer - Fank you!

  6. You have the cutest little pink nose! does your momma keep planting kisses on it? I would if I could!

  7. Crockett I agree because I bet you were rudely awakened for that selfie and that in itself deserves a raspberry.

  8. Crockett yore tongue iss so cute!! That iss what mee thinkss of all THE snow we gotted over THE weekend.Travis lookin guud an Angelique yore lookin mitey purrty.
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma

  9. That is a very cute nose Travis..we bet you got lots of treats!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  10. @Memories of Eric and Flynn - Yup, it gets lotsa kisses.
    @My Mind's Eye - MOL, you're right!
    @Sherri-Ellen T-D. - Luckily, none showed up here!
    @The Gang at LLB - I did score pretty good.

  11. Oh Travis, laps and lap luvvin' are the bestest. Ya' really gotta try it some time. Big hugs.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  12. @Deziz World - I know momma would like it if I'd sit on her lap, but nope. She said I might change my mind when I get older - Angel Jezebel became a big lap kitty in her later years. I like to sit near people, just not on em.

  13. You're like me, Travis, I like to be close by my peeps , but on their lap is calling the newspaper worthy!

  14. @Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs - I knew there wuz udder cats out there who felt like me!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.