Well, TockTober are winding down, and we didn't wanna miss it. Crockett's got some medium fluffy tocks. And he wuz playin it a bit demure today.
Angelique are doing her Kardashian-pose - an emfasis on da tocks, but she also managed to look at da camera. But her tocks are so fluffy dat ya can't really see a thing!
And me, I'm showin it all! In fact, we has a speshul expresshun for it round here when one of us kitties decides to show it all like dis. Years and years ago, long before any of us wuz even alive, da mommas read an online comment about a certain real estate mogul turned reality star turned presidenshul candidate. Yup, we's talkin Trump, well dis wuz before da presidenshul stuff, but it wuz back when he had his reality show. And we's not talkin bout his hair, but his mouth, which somebody said reminded dem of "a cat's anus." Well, my peeps had to agree dat wuz what his mouth looked like.
And ever since den, da peeps has called it "showin off da Trump" when we stick our butts in dere faces. Stuff like "I don't wanna see your Trump" or "get your Trump outta my face" is what we hear round here. And dis ain't a pawlitical statement, ya know we luvs all our pals, whether ya are Trump fans or whether ya would smell what comes outta my Trump instead listen to da Donald. But his presidenshul run has caused some eggstra laffs round here, just for dat reason. Dey can't look at him wifout thinkin "cat butt mouth." And we hope all of y'all will think it too, and get a giggle out dat pawlitical stuff from now on. MOL MOL!!