Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Da razz returns!  Ya knew it would be back.  Even if it are just a lil peak of tongue today.

I'm waitin for my treats.  And since ya ate cereal for breakfast and didn't even share your milk wif me, ya better deliver momma.  And I mean it.  Or it'll be 3 AM yowlin for you.

Fanks for everybody's purrs for Angelique's momma - she are still sick - it seems like a nasty flu, but nuffin really serious.  We do appresheate da kind thoughts though.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Caturday Bacon!

I can smell dat bacon cookin, so I are givin my sweet face.  What do y'all think?  Is it gonna work.

And hey look, Crockett can keep his tongue in his mouth when he wants to.  He just usually doesn't want to, MOL!

And Angie are lookin sweet and not like she's plottin my momma's untimely end - guess she wants some bacon today too!  And no Angelique, just cuz your momma are still sick and not eatin does not mean dat ya gets her share of bacon.  Nice try though.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Razzberry Eggstreme

Wif Crockett, everyday are a Tongue Out day, not just Tuesday.

Me, I'm a lil more preoccupado wif dem skwerrils outside.  If only I could get out there and pounce, I's have me a skwerril lunch.

And Angie ackshually didn't swat my momma today.  Considerin what she did to my momma's bathmat, dat are probably a good thing, MOL MOL.  She's on "thin ice" as it wuz.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sunday Selfies

My #selfiegame is strong, even if my momma's #snackgame are weak - I mean, lemon lime coffee cake for breakfast?  Where is da bacon?  Or da sossidge?  Or da butter??  And I'm not even gettin into last night - Rocky Road ice cream for dinner?  Dat ya don't bother to share wif me??  Where are da chikken, da shrimpies, da MEATZ???  Da only thing worse wuz last week when she went out to eat and came home smellin of CRAB, wifout anything for ME!

Ya can tell what Crockett thinks bout it.  A big ol razz for you!

And Angelique are just lookin pretty, hopin dat'll get her somefin.  Her momma are sick - we are not shure if she has a cold or da flu or what, but she are not feelin good and Angie is on nurse duty.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Happy Caturday!

Well, it's been a good Caturday for us so far - we got treats in eggchange for posin.

Den we got Caturday morning bacon!

What's for dinner??  MOL MOL!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Greenies Dental Treats from Chewy!

Hey y'all!  As ya probably know, February are Pet Dental Health Month.

Havin strong fangs are important for us kitties.

Wifout em, how would Angelique bite at my momma?  MOL MOL!  But seriously, strong toofers are important.  And dis month,  Chewy sent us da Greenies Savory Salmon Dental Treats to review.

Greenies Savory Salmon Dental Treats are da number one vet-recommended dental chew and have a crunchy texture meant to reduce tartar.  Dey are free of artisishul preservatives and flavors and have added vitamins and minerals.  And they're made in da USA.

And at only 1.25 calories per treat, ya can have quite a few of em.  Da package says I can have bout 18 a day at 10 pounds - hmmm, I think my momma stiffed me!

Dey shure look yummy!

Crockett really liked em.  In fact, he liked em SO much dat his momma had to remove him so Angelique could enjoy hers.  MOL!

Which she did.

And ya know I luved em too!  And look, y'all even got to see lil peeks of me and Angie's tongues today too!  

We's givin the Greenies Savory Salmon Dental Treats 12 paws up!  Dey wuz tasty and it's always good to have good dental health.  And Chewy gets purrs too for da fast shippin - fanks for lettin us try dis tasty treat!  Ok momma, now bout dem 18 treats a day . . . 

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, we wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for our opinion.  Who needs payment when ya gets free treats?

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!  We decided to wear our floofy Calvin collars for our Valentine selfies.  Calvin Collars are made by a good friend of ours from Catster - we luvs wearin em!  She sells em on Etsy, so you can get your own if ya wants.  And da really cool part are (well, besides da fact dat ya would be stylin, dat are obvious) is dat for every 25 Calvin collars sold, a cat is sponsored at Best Friend's Animal Society.  So we is helpin do good while lookin good too!

Crockett had a speshul Valentine's razzberry for everyone, MOL!

And Angelique musta been feelin sweet today - she didn't even swat at my momma!

Happy Valentine's!!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Gettin Ready for Valentine's!

Hey y'all!  We's gettin ready for Valentine's and today we wore dese lil Valentine bandanas dat my momma made us - last year we had to borrow da dogs'.  Dese are a lot better since dey are sized for kittehs and don't look like dey are swampin us!

Angelique got her bandana on post-picture time, my momma couldn't find it for photos, but her momma did.

We got our bacon dis morning - yummm!  And ya know what really says LUV - dat are right, bacon! At least dat are what I are tellin momma, if ya really luv your peachy boy, you'll give him bacon tomorrow too.  Let's hope she falls for it!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Happy Mardi Gras!

Happy Mardi Gras y'all!  We's got our beads on to celebrate!

I tried to eggsplain to Crockett dat it are a different part of da anatomy dat starts wif a T dat ya gotta show to get beads, but hey, he are young and innoscent so we let him just show tongue instead.

And Angelique shure did look glamourus in her beads - must be da whole French conneckshun.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Well, it are Supurr Bowl Sunday.  We's cheerin for da Panthers here, cuz well, dey's cats.  Kinda obvious really.

I don't think Crockett wuz a big fan of da halftime show, it wuz kind of a snooze-fest.  Not to insult snooze-fests that are, us cats ackshually like snooze-fests a lot.  Just sayin, da Kitten Bowl wuz way more entertaining dan dat.

I think it's time to make wif some more Super Bowl noms.