Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Hey y'all!  Well, today wuz a better day for us - da mommas came through wif da BACON!  And it wuz delishus!!

I keep tryin to convince momma dat I need two breakfasts - for some reason, she duzn't think I needs anudder serving 10 minutes after my furst.  Hasn't dis woman ever heard of dubble breakfast???

Y'all wanna hear somefin else crazy?  Da mommas ordered from Pizza Hut last nite and my momma passed on da oppurrtunitee to get bacon-stuffed crust.  What da meow???  And not only did she pass on it, she actually said "ew."  Somefin are very wrong wif her - she didn't even get sossidge or pepperonis on her pizza!!

In udder news, today are Nashinul Feral Cat Day.  All three of us wuz adopted from Feral Friends, a local rescue that does a lot of work wif and for feral kittehs.  And our Angelique wuz born in a feral colony.  We know most of our readers already know all about the importance of feral cats and TNR (trap-neuter-release), but it's always a good reminder and a good time to spread awareness.  While most ferals won't ever be a housecat like we are, dey all deserve a good quality life.  So if ya can, do somefin for your local feral kittehs.



  1. HIGH PAWS for posting about National Feral Cat Day. Angelique is a survivor

  2. We are all for second breakfasts- and lunches too!

  3. Doods, those selfies are intense! And YESSSS to second brekkies!!

  4. Oh Travis we're so glad ya'll got some bacon. We don't know what's wrong with your mommy either tho', no pepperoni, or sausage? Did she at least share a piece with ya'? As fur dat second brekky, we're with ya' there. Dat sounds like a pawsum idea. Ya'll be lookin' gawjus as always. Have a pawsum week.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  5. You guys are so alert and look ready for MORE bacon. Angel, you look like you could care less. MOL You all are one happy furry family. Oh sorry, I'm not speaking about your moms....I don't know if they have extra furs....I'm talking too much...MOL


  6. OD...we can't believe you didn't get bacon for second breakfast or elevensies!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  7. Nice selfies! And paws up for spreading the word about National Feral Cat Day!

    1. Fanks! We've always liked to support feral kitties, but since Angie is a former feral, we really want to spread da word.

  8. Great selfies as always and well done for raising awareness for feral kitties!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  9. Lovely selfies from you all, you look quite contented.... Ooh I say, not before time that bacon... but, what is this I hear, they didn't bring home the bacon? Mouses! Peeps just don't seem to get the hang of pizza ordering do they... purrs ERin

  10. Yay for getting bacon!
    Boo for your mum not getting any with the pizza. Srsly??
    WE purr for all the wonderful people that look after feral cats and colonies :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  11. Hari OM
    Finally, the bacon. You sure do look like you got the choice stuff! YAY for the ferals... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  12. WHAT? No bacon stuffed crust or sossidge on the pizza? What's with that? At last you got some bacon for breakfast! I was a feral kitty too - one of the lucky ones like you.....anyone who helps ferals get a big hug from me!

    Love, Sammy

  13. We love them...your eyes are so bright and furs so shiny
    Hugs madi your bfff

  14. Yay, you finally got your bacon ! Purrs

  15. Awwww you are so cute in that selfie. You are wide-eyed too like you saw something really exciting. Thanks for visiting me.

  16. HELLO, you're obviously Hobbit cats and NEED a second breakfast! Sheesh.

    1. See, you gets it! I don't know why my momma duzn't.

  17. Those are lovely selfies. Glad you got your bacon.

  18. We are glad there seems to be an end to the bacon drought!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. Your moms didn't want bacon stuffed crust pizza? Are they feeling okay??

    1. Yeah, I'm wonderin bout dat. At least Crockett's and Angie's mommas got pepperoni and sossidge.

  20. We didn't know all of you were originally ferals. You were socialized wonderfully. Our mom agrees about the bacon-stuffed crust...too much. But we are happy y'all got yours, and we are super happy to have you as regular hoppers. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Only Angie wuz originally a feral. I wuz born in a pound and Crockett wuz born in rescue already - in a home.

  21. I like it when the peeps get chick-hen on their pizza. TW calls Pizza Hut ghetto pizza. MOL!

    1. MOL! My momma usually makes homemade pizza, but dey wuz being lazy.

  22. Baconan a pizza is delish!! And in the crust sounds really yummy...sorry to your momma, MOL! we don't even eat *any* pizza here anymore...unless we can find a grain free crust...hmmm. Now you got petcretary thinking...

    Pawsome selfies and we are glad you were all gotted and found the bestest of homes to call your own. Even with doggies:)

  23. They passed on the bacon? Are they feeling OK?

  24. So glad you three got some bacon.But silly Mom, no bacon filled pizza crust. You all are looking mighty fine.

  25. We had bacon yesserday morning. AND egg yolk! We could live on that. Well, and Turkey pate and Tuna flakes...

  26. A kitty always need 2 breakfasts, we thought that was a given!!! MOL

    So glad mew got bacon... mmmmmmmm.... delicious!!!!


    Basil & Co xox

  27. You are SO RIGHT to remind people about feral cats. Feral Cat Day is SO IMPORTANT and you did good mentioning it!

    Happy Sunday Selfie.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.