Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thoroughly Poetical Thursday

Well, since dere wuz no birfdays today, we didn't get any bacon.  Ok, I guess dere wuz birfdays today - I means, dere are birthdays everyday.  But momma says no one in our family had a birfday (apparently, da old woman in Oklahoma do not count), so we did not get any bacon.  But even though dere wuz no baconatin, I still are gonna treat y'all to a poetical treat.  Cuz I are just dat kinda cat.

Dere once wuz a elf dat lived in a tree
His job - bakin' cookies for you and me
He wuz a success when he got da tip
Da bestest cookies contain lotsa nip!

I know Angelique could go for some nip cookies!

And wif dat razz, my orange BFF looks like he has been hittin da nip hard.

And our westie sisfur are gettin back to bloggin - be shure to check her poetical rhymes over at Finley and Brinley's Short Tails.


  1. Luved yer poem--thanks fur da shout out, Travis!

    1. Well, it wuzn't as HIGHlarious as yours, but I duz what I can.

  2. TeeHeeHee...We loved your poem Travis! Did you know they have Meowlijuana Cat nip?? Mama visited with the peeps who grow it when she was at BlogPaws!!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  3. I like the part about catnip cookies in your poem!

    1. Yeah, I bet an elf dat make catnip cookies would make a fortune!

  4. Catnip cookies! That sounds like nippy delishiousness!

  5. Pawsome!! We would totally love to eat those nip cookies!!!!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  6. That tree did look like the place where the Keebler Elves lived. Hahaha!

  7. guyz......we could sam pull sum cookeez heer two !!!! ;) ☺☺♥♥

  8. Nip cookies...YUM!!! (Hey, we took the mewsic meme challenge today!)

  9. Great poem, my cats want some nip cookies.

  10. You know that tree looks like it absolutely could have the GREAT NIP COOKIE BAKING ELF living in it. I bet you're right! But even if you're not - that's still a fantastical poem for Sammy's poetry challenge. BRAVO.

    Hugs, Teddy

  11. What a fun poem! We would like some nip cookies please.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.