Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thank You

I know, I know, I has nefur pawticipated in the Thankful Thursday blog hop before. Mostly cuz me and momma both has an attitude, and it ain't exactly for gratitude. More like a gimme more attitude (for me - more head rubs, bacon, chikken livers, shrimp, ham, etc., for momma - more money, more clothes, more jewelry, more makeup, more nail polish, etc.). And ya might be thinking, why this week of all weeks we are deciding to join. Becuz it has been an awful week - just truly horrible.

But even in all of this awfulness and sadness, there are some things to be thankful for. One of them is our blogging friends. We're hosting a Wear Orange for Crockett blog hop on May 18, but there have already been numerous friends who posted a tribute to my BFF, including Pipo, Dalton, and Benjithe Cat Blogospherethe Blogville POTP blogDash KittenAthena Cat GoddessTimmy TomcatMatilda the Boxer, and Mudpie.

And we have gotten some sweet memorial badges - this one is from the Cat Blogosphere and was made by Ann at Zoolatry.

Pipo, Dalton, and Benji made us one too.

And our Catster and Facebook pals, Inky, Newman, Wilbur, and momma Laura made Crockett a razzing angel - she even used porno tongue! 

And today, our pals at Chewy sent us flowers for Crockett.

Which I are not allowed to eat apparently. Da mommas is no fun.

A nibble won't hurt will it?? See, they're very pretty.

We're doing as ok as we can. Da mommas are still crying too much. Angelique are still trying to be a therapy cat. I'm eating a little better, but I've also thrown up a couple times. Maybe eating some of da flower arrangement wuzn't a good idea. I'm not hiding today, so there's a some progress.  

Remember to Wear Orange for Crockett on Saturday, May 18. We've got a blog hop set up, so you can enter your posts so we can all celebrate Crockett's life together on the day that woulda been his fifth Gotcha Day. Please take our badge and share it wherever you can. Thank you.


  1. I lost 4 of my sisters in one year so we totally understand being thankful for blogging pals, they help so much when times are tough. We send more puurs and hugs your way and thank you for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

    p.s. The beautiful graphic from The Cat Blogosphere was done by Ann at Zoolatry.

  2. Bless you all and keep strong. I know you will miss Crocket like crazy and we are all ready to roll with our submission for his Gotcher fay.

    Hang in there you lovely, kind people.

    Dash Kitten & Co.

  3. We just can't stop thinking about you guys this week. We are glad to read that you are being comforted by each other and by all your many many furiends, and that you are inching forward into this new world. Sudden loss is just the worst for those left behind--the combination of grief and shock makes it really hard to put one paw in front of the other and carry on with living. Your family and your blog, humans and kitties alike, are so loving and full of joy that we know eventually you will get through the painful times and remember your brother for the fun-loving kitty he was. Even though we haven't been very good about visiting, we love you. And we are glad you are eating, even a little. Bacon is the best, all right.

  4. Hari om
    Yup, Blogville rocks in times good and bad. My 18th post is ready. YAM-aunty xxx

  5. We no longer post here but will honor Crockett on Facebook. Our hearts are with you all. ❤️

  6. A loss really makes you see how pawesome all your furiends and loved ones are!

  7. We are so heartbroken fur all of you! Sending lots of love and licky kisses.

    Matilda & Matt

  8. oh em cod guyz; de blogsphere iz DE BEST; crockett's badgez R bee yond awesum N with eveeree one sendin all ther lovez yur way... we hope it makes life a bit flowerz frum chewy leeve uz kewl iz that ♥♥♥

    crockett's orange frum de land oh trout will link in on wednesday; we gotta get ta cuzin daiz' houz N see if her will wear her orange ~~ pawz crossed ~

    travis...seer ee iz lee dood....stay strong for yur BF; & pleez due knot eat any mor flowerz ~~ ya noe ♥♥♥

  9. Like others have said, we can't stop thinking about you during this time. Our own orange boy (and ev en the neighbor's orange boy, who shows up for meals)has gotten extra hugs this week, and we send hugs and pawpats to Travis and Angelique. We don't have a blog, but
    we will be wearing our orange tomorrow (it's our humom's day to go cat food shopping).

  10. I am glad that Angelique is helping the mommas, you are all still in shock.The flowers from Chewy are lovely, but Travis, please don't nibble them. My thoughts remain with all of you.

  11. Meow meow Travis an Angelique an Meowyss yore all so brave to go on without Crockett...hee wuud bee so purroud of all of you! Travis please eat sum more Okay? THE shock musta dun sumthing to you fore sure....reememburr Crockett wuud not want his Brothur an BFF to get sick....
    Angelique yore a *star* for doin Furapee fore THE Meowymss'!!!
    An wee will come vizzit Caturday…
    Till then mee sendss ***purrsss*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiesss}}} LadyMew

  12. Those are all beautiful cards/graphics. We will be participating in memory of your sweet Crockett. XO

  13. The cat blogosphere is full of good people who care about each other. I remember how they helped me through my own losses in January, and I am so glad we are all able to be here for you now. It's so very hard, I totally understand this. Hugs to you all.

  14. You are all loved and cared for, your friends are certainly there for you when you need them most as demonstrated by their tributes. Thank you for sharing your beautiful Crockett with the world, he is a part of all of us and won't be forgotten.

  15. We see that petcretary has wet face windows just reading this post...we can't even imagine the floods over at your den...sob...sigh...

    Crockett was SO loved by any and all who evfur met him. We are thankful that we are among those but ahhh, we will miss him forever and we will NEVER forget him, ever.

    Thanks for sharing all the sweet memories.

    Adding more purrs and hugs as well. ♥

  16. We are so sorry about Kitten-Crockett. We'll always think of him as kitten because of the cute stories you posted. We are sorry to be late i writing you, have not been blog hopping for a few days. We are honoring him today with special orange hats and we find some flowers to hide behind. Go in peace dear young friend! Love to the family who remains!

  17. Crockett will live forever in our hearts. We know how you hurt as we lost our brofur Buttons only a short time past. Purrs, Prayers and Hugs from us all

  18. That is such a sweet thing you did by having a "Wear Orange Day" for Crockett. It is hard to believe Travis will not be blogging anymore or posing for photos. I can understand why your mommas are shedding so many tears and why you haven't had much of an appetite. Sometimes life can really drag us down and makes us want to hide and not come out. But I know that you are brave and will find a way to come out of hiding. I believe in you, Travis. Luvs.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.